Less boy names than girls?

I just wanted to see if I’m the only one who feels like there are less boy name options than girls? I feel like with girl names it’s a lot easier to be creative and inventive. I love [name_m]Forrest[/name_m] and it’s my top name for boys, but I still feel like I haven’t found “the one” but I get stumped so easily


Yes!! Definitely agree!


With boy names I could read 1000 and like 10 with 6 being an absolute love/favorite of mine.
With girl names I could read 1000 and like 600, love 50, but not quite find The One.


Yes I definitely like a lot more girl names than boy names. Also, I haven’t added any new boy names to my list in a long time because we’ve had a boy name picked out for the last seven years and haven’t gotten to use it yet, as this is our third girl. So it feels kind of pointless to come up with other names when we won’t be able to use even this name yet.

Working in elementary schools, I definitely see a lot more girls with invented names or creatively spelled names than boys. Probably 3 girls for every one boy. For whatever reason the boys tend to have traditional names.

This isn’t just a feeling you have – it’s an actual fact! There are more girl names available than boy names. In 2015 (the only year I could find solid data about this on) the SSA reported 18,993 unique names for baby girls, and 13,959 for baby boys.


I feel like that all the time! I definitely find it difficult to like boys names. With girls I find new names I like all the time; including ones I’ve never heard before and made up ones. [name_m]Even[/name_m] today I’m crushing real hard on a name that’s never crossed my mind before, because of a character I like. That just doesn’t happen with boys most of the time. Sometimes it feels like there’s more to like with girls options. In terms of sound, associations, imagery, personality, they’re just more appealing to me in general.

In a way I don’t mind, because the boy names I do love, I stick to. It’s easier to discount them, so it’s easier to choose, if that makes sense. With so many new crushes going in and out with girls it ends up with too much choice and a lot of uncertainty at times :sweat_smile:.


[name_m]Eh[/name_m], sort of. I think that male names tend to get recycled a lot throughout the generations. [name_u]Baby[/name_u] is named after dad or grandpa or another relative, oftentimes, so you may very well be used to hearing the same pool of names with little variation. Girls, parents seem to be more adventurous with and don’t tend to name their daughters after mom or grandma.

[name_m]Just[/name_m] speaking generally from what I’ve noticed in my own experiences IRL, online, in books, etc.

For me, I experience the opposite. There are only a couple girl name combos on my list at any given time these days, whereas I have a bigger list of boy combos.

I agree!

Yes, definitely! But I love my favourite boys names (e.g. Sasha) much more deeply than my favourite girls names which seem to come and go more readily (with a few exceptions).


Yup!! I’m so particular about my boys names and I’m much more attached to them as well. I have more girls names in general and like more of a variety of girls names. If I were to get married and compromise on a name, I’d be much more willing to compromise on a girls name than a boys :grimacing:


Omg me too with Sascha :pleading_face: (and Ben-Ami ofc :smiling_face:)

I’m the exact same way! I could name my daughter anything from Nora, Edith or Ivy to Elowen, Tiggy or Anouk and be perfectly happy, but my little boy has to be Oliver !

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totally. i feel like i love my favorite girls names more than my favorite boys names. i also only have around 200-300 boys names on my list, but w my girls there’s thousands. i couldn’t even count.