Lillian or Lilian?

See the results of this poll: Which spelling do you prefer?

Respondents: 35 (This poll is closed)

  • Lillian : 31 (89%)
  • Lilian : 3 (9%)
  • Other? [state below]: 1 (3%)

[name]Lillian[/name], two ls. I think you’d have a lifetime of correcting spelling if you went with the other option.

I prefer [name]Liliane[/name] which sounds enough like [name]Lillian[/name] that I think you can use the spelling and not correct the prn.

I prefer [name]Lillian[/name]! I have a friend named [name]Lilian[/name] that constantly has to correct people because they automatically think [name]Lillian[/name].

[name]Lillian[/name] looks more ‘complete’ and balanced somehow.

I adore this name, BTW. Always have. Great choice.

[name]Lillian[/name] with two l’s is my preference - yet I admit my preference for [name]Liliana[/name] is just one. Purely what I’m used to seeing for each, I guess.

[name]Lillian[/name] is beautiful, btw.

[name]Love[/name] [name]Lillian[/name]! I used to prefer [name]Lilian[/name]–it just looked more feminine to me (probably because I LOVED [name]Liliana[/name] before I fell for [name]Lillian[/name]/[name]Lilian[/name], and [name]Lillian[/name] felt more austere whilst [name]Lilian[/name] had the light, airy femininity of [name]Liliana[/name]), but I never really considered it as a viable option, as [name]Lillian[/name] is so much more common. I think spelling [name]Lilian[/name] all the time would be a huge headache. However, if it’ll only be a MN, I think you could get away with [name]Lilian[/name] much easier. Since I never really thought [name]Lilian[/name] could work, I find [name]Lillian[/name] more attractive–it just seems more complete on its own instead of looking like the “A” got chopped off [name]Liliana[/name]. But both are delightful. Really, any [name]Lily[/name] name is delightful, imo, haha.

I prefer [name]Liliane[/name] only if it’s pronounced like “lily-anne.”