[name]Marnie[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Cooper[/name] was born on [name]Tuesday[/name] to the British singer and her husband [name]Sam[/name] [name]Cooper[/name]. They have an older daughter, [name]Ethel[/name] [name]Mary[/name], born in 2011.
A bit of research shows [name]Rose[/name] is one of [name]Lily[/name]'s own middle names - she was born [name]Lily[/name] [name]Rose[/name] [name]Beatrice[/name] [name]Allen[/name] - and older daughter [name]Ethel[/name]'s middle name, [name]Mary[/name], was the first name of [name]Lily[/name]'s maternal grandmother. Not sure whether either of the first names are family names though, as there’s not a lot of info on [name]Sam[/name] online at all.
[name]Marnie[/name]'s cute, but not at all what I would’ve expected after [name]Ethel[/name]. They seem very mismatched to me. It’s not that I think that sibsets have to match, just that I’m surprised.
I really like the name [name]Marnie[/name], but completely agree that it just doesn’t flow with [name]Ethel[/name] well. [name]Marnie[/name] just seems too modern for a name like [name]Ethel[/name].
I don’t think it’s a bad match at all. I consider [name]Marnie[/name] to be an old-fashioned kind of name like [name]Ethel[/name] (probably because of [name]Hitchcock[/name]'s [name]Marnie[/name] from 1964). I think the two names compliment each other nicely and their middle names go beautifully with the first names. I love [name]Lily[/name]'s taste in names.
I love [name]Marnie[/name]! The movie makes it slightly disturbing for me, but I love it. [name]Ethel[/name] not so much, it just makes me think alcohol but I appreciate the sentiment and agree that they match in a 1930s way. I guess [name]Ethel[/name] is more obviously vintage but they totally match imo.
I’ve been catching up on the series ‘Girls’ and there’s a [name]Marnie[/name] in that and I find it so sweet but completely not my style. [name]Marnie[/name] [name]Rose[/name] is sweet but I think [name]Rose[/name] makes it quite bland and predictable. I could see [name]Marnie[/name] being a big hit in the UK, along the same lines of [name]Maisie[/name], [name]Hattie[/name], [name]Edie[/name] etc.
[name]Marnie[/name] is cute and sounds somewhat trendy, while [name]Ethel[/name] I just can’t wrap my head around that one. I feel sorry for her with a name like [name]Ethel[/name]. (a [name]Frances[/name] who knows…)
[name]Marnie[/name] sounds really modern compared to [name]Ethel[/name], just doesn’t sound right at all. Would have thought she would have picked a more traditional name like [name]Alice[/name] or [name]Phillipa[/name].
My name is [name]Marni[/name], and I [name]LOVE[/name] my name (I like it better with out the E, but that is just personal preference). I think [name]Marni[/name] [name]Rose[/name] is a nice flow, but I am not sure [name]Marnie[/name] and [name]Ethel[/name] are a good pairing. [name]Marnie[/name] seems a bit spunkier than [name]Ethel[/name] which is more old fashion.
Is [name]Marnie[/name] really that modern? Because all I can think when I hear “[name]Marnie[/name]” is the 1964 film by [name]Hitchcock[/name] (which is pretty good, by the way). To me, [name]Ethel[/name] and [name]Marnie[/name] sounds like the names of two old ladies
I think [name]Ethel[/name] and [name]Marnie[/name] make a delightful pair. If I named a daughter [name]Ethel[/name], I would intend on using a spunky nickname like Ett or [name]Ettie[/name] or [name]Etta[/name]. Maybe [name]Lily[/name] and [name]Sam[/name] use a nickname for [name]Ethel[/name] and decided to just use a nickname as a full name this time around?
I can’t wait to see what they name any future children.
I love the name [name]Marnie[/name] (Hate the name [name]Ethel[/name]!) - [name]Marnie[/name] to me is very much an old fashioned name (As others have mentioned, its use in a [name]Hitchcock[/name] film adding to this), in a similar vein to [name]Ethel[/name] (but feels much more usable in the present day than [name]Ethel[/name] does!) - I think the names go very well together.