We just had confirmation that we are definitely expecting a baby boy! It’s very exciting as we have a little girl so it’s lovely that we’ll get to experience parenting one of each. BUT now we have to find the “perfect” boys name which is much harder (for us) than the perfect girls name.
We are pretty much decided upon [name]Evan[/name] as a middle name - like our daughter’s middle name ([name]Arwen[/name]) it is Welsh, has a nice meaning, sounds fresh alongside the old-fashioned first name we will undoubtedly choose, has two syllables (to balance our one syllable surname) and has personal meaning to us. Perfect! Except that [name]Arwen[/name] also has literary links and I’d ideally like this baby’s middle name to be literary also. It’s not a deal-breaker but it would be the icing on the cake.
I’m struggling to think of any [name]Evans[/name] who feature as characters or authors in literature as was wondering if you knew any please?
I couldn’t find much, sorry! I’m a huge fan of literature and I’m drawing a blank, so I googled it, and all I came up with was, firstly, [name]Evan[/name] Almighty (which, imo, isn’t a very great reference at all), and also a literary critic, [name]Evan[/name] [name]Hughes[/name]? If you’re okay with literary associations by association, there’s [name]Henry[/name] Wadsworth [name]Longfellow[/name]'s poem, [name]Evangeline[/name] (although I’m not sure a boy would love that association! haha), or you could even claim any literary Johns, since [name]Evan[/name] is the Welsh form of [name]John[/name]. My first two thoughts were [name]John[/name] the Baptist (as a [name]Christian[/name], I love this association, but he might not be so lovely to you) and the main character of [name]Oscar[/name] Wilde’s play, The Importance of Being [name]Earnest[/name]–his name is [name]John[/name] Worthing, mainly known as [name]Jack[/name] (and [name]Earnest[/name], of course, haha). [name]Just[/name] some ideas.
[name]Evan[/name] [name]Dara[/name] is an American Novelist.
[name]Evan[/name] [name]Hunter[/name] is also an American Novelist and Screenwriter. A lot of his work is also under the pen name [name]Ed[/name] McBain.
[name]Evan[/name] Munday is a Cartoonist and Novelist (for the young-adult category).
I know nothing about it, but apparently there is a book “Why Didn’t They Ask [name]Evans[/name]?”, by [name]Agatha[/name] [name]Christie[/name].
I can’t really think of any literary characters named [name]Evan[/name]. Though, there are at least 3 comic book characters, if that counts.
It also has a connection to [name]Euan[/name]/[name]Ewan[/name] which are Anglicized forms of the Gaelic name [name]Eoghan[/name]. There’s an [name]Euan[/name] Abercrombie in [name]Harry[/name] [name]Potter[/name].
Thank you for your thoughts! Although [name]Evan[/name] is the Welsh form of [name]John[/name] it has no connection to the name for us so literary Johns don’t really work - a shame because I can think of a few of them! Literary critic [name]Evan[/name] [name]Hughes[/name] is a good one, thanks.
I have heard of [name]Evan[/name] [name]Hunter[/name] but not [name]Evan[/name] [name]Dara[/name] - off to do some Googling! My husband just mentioned the [name]Agatha[/name] [name]Christie[/name] novel too, it’s a nice link as our daughter is called [name]Agatha[/name]!