I hope he is not raised in an environment where he is given things based on his race. I am very sad at the way this post is framed. There is so much more to someone than their race. And it’s literally your title…
My favourites are [name_m]Declan[/name_m] and [name_m]Pierson[/name_m] and I would give them to a boy of any race.
This is such a weird and uncomfortable way to phrase this question. Being black is not a “theme.” It’s okay to acknowledge your adopted child’s race (it’s something you should do, as if you’re not their race they’ll face things you won’t) but this is not how it’s done.
Sincerely hoping you’re a troll. Or else you have a lot of reflecting to do.
If your parents are ok with you being that ignorant about your baby brother perhaps they have something more important to worry about then the internets opinion.