
[name_f]Do[/name_f] you think it could be a girls name or not? I think it’s quite pretty… but don’t know if it’s actually usable or not. If so what would you pair it with?

I think Lockehart and [name_m]Sherlock[/name_m] have more potential as girl names. But I also think you should go with your gut I would recommend Locket [name_u]Dove[/name_u] for the name.

It may be a stretch for me, but I guess it could work… I’d pair it with a more girlie middle name.

Agreeing with PP here, it may be a bit of a stretch for myself. I prefer [name_f]Locklyn[/name_f].

I would keep it in the middle name spot.

Me too, I think it’s cute

I fell instantly in love!

Very silly.

I am absolutely swooning! It sounds just like a name, even though it’s not, and the meaning is just divine. I love it.

I’m actually quite surprised by the number of positive responses. Not because I don’t like it, but because a random word as a name tends not to go over well in these parts.

Anyways, I actually cannot see Locket as a name, for anyone. I would not have been happy if my mother had named me Locket. [name_m]Just[/name_m] my opinion.

I think it’s one of those words that sounds namelike, but probably wouldn’t work as well in practice. It’s too tied to the object for me, like [name_f]Apple[/name_f] or [name_m]Pilot[/name_m] or Chandelier.

[name_m]How[/name_m] about [name_m]Locke[/name_m], [name_u]Lake[/name_u], [name_f]Lark[/name_f], [name_u]Larkin[/name_u], [name_f]Cricket[/name_f]?


A lock of hair? A gold locket? Pop it, drop it, and lock it? [name_m]Lock[/name_m] the door?

At best, it’s saccharine mush, and at worst it’s trendy kitsch.

I just don’t see it.

I like it, actually. It gives me a nice nostalgic image. I’d only use it in the middle spot though. It reminds me of [name_m]Rocket[/name_m].

I can see the appeal…you imagine a heart shaped locket: a delicate fine jewelry that holds the image of someone dear to you…I’m just imagining it being called across the room…I don’t really like it, sorry.
Would make a good mn bc of the reasons above, just not sure I like it as a fn.

No, I don’t think it’s usable.