So my boss and I were out today when we ran into an old friend of hers, who had her new baby with her. The babys name was pronounced eye-lay-ah but she was in a hurry so I didnt have time to ask how it was spelled.
I didnt want to just make up a name, and the only one I found close is Ilaya, but the combination of I and L in that way would make it hard to see when written out, you know?
Does anyone have a spelling for this name? I would like it if the name was an actual name, with an actual origin and meaning. Its a beautiful name I want to give to my girl. Any help?
I went to school with a girl who had that name. I’m pretty sure she spelled Ilaya (though it might have been Ilayah. This was twenty years ago so my memory’s not perfect on the details)
I just have to say that is a very beautiful sounding name! Unfortunately I can’t help you with its background or spelling, but I’d say go with what spelling you like best, what you think would be easiest and nicest. And probably not matter how you spell it you will have to explain and spell it out to people some times
Have you tried doing a Google search of different spellings of the way you think I the name could be spelled? You may found something that way.
Perhaps your boss would share her friend’s first and last name with you. One of you could check to see if she has a Facebook page. If she does, she would likely list the name in her posts. [name_m]Even[/name_m] if your manager only knows the woman’s maiden name, you may be able to find her. Better yet, perhaps your manager would reach out to her friend and ask about the spelling.
I knew a girl named Ilea, pronounced eye-[name_f]LEah[/name_f]. I know the pronunciation is a little different than what you heard but I always thought it was interesting.
I had thought I’d come across a Hawaiian name spelled Ailea (which seems like it’d be the pronunciation you’re going for, with the cursory amount of information I have about Hawaiian name pronunciation), but it doesn’t seem to be as common as I’d thought. I did find it listed on one site as a Hawaiian name, as a Hawaiian form of Airea (which I am not even familiar with that, either?), but either way, I’ve fallen in love with Ailea with the pronunciation you listed! I would love to meet a little Ailea. Ilaya I would say ee-LIE-ah, much like [name_f]Alaia[/name_f] is ah-LIE-ah for me. Since the name is so unfamiliar, I’m sure you could spell it just about any way and would just be prepared to correct pronunciations!