Yet another game I made combined from 2 games, this time: The Love, Like, Lose & the Snake game.
The Love, Like, Lose games are games with 9 names; players select 3 names of the above post to Love, 3 to Like, and 3 to Lose. The names chosen to Lose are replaced by new names that each poster chooses.
The Snake game is a game where the last letter of the previous name is the first letter of a new name.
Example of this combination game:
Wendell, Kyle, Usain, Arlo, Isaac, Yariel, Ned, Nicholas, Jerome
Love: Kyle, Nicholas, Isaac
Like: Arlo, Usain, Wendell
Lose: Yariel, Jerome, Ned
Kyle, Nicholas, Isaac, Arlo, Usain, Wendell, Leon, Ezra, Dean
So with that being shown, I’ll use the first set of names for the example. The next person chooses 3 to Love, 3 to Like, and 3 to Lose with the Lost names replaced with names that start with the last letter of said names.
First set of names: Kyle, Nicholas, Isaac, Arlo, Usain, Wendell, Leon, Ezra, Dean