So my husband and I are loving the name [name]Sullivan[/name], nn [name]Sully[/name].
I am seeing it on the posts way more often than before, and am starting
to wonder if this name is going to become pretty popular. Any thoughts???
Another name I like (not sure I can convince hubby) is the name [name]Indio[/name].
What comes to mind when you hear this name? Is is kind of Hippy sounding?
Anyways, I appreciate any thoughts. This is our first child too, so we gotta get this right:)
Well with [name]Indio[/name] the first thing i think of is indigo, like the color, shorty followed by indianna jones (as he was called indie in the movies) so its not really my taste. However i think [name]Sullivan[/name] is cute. I dont think it is really popular or will ever be REALLY popular, its not the next Aaiden, [name]Michael[/name], or [name]Ethan[/name]. I think more people are becoming interested in the name but like i said i dont think it will rise in popularity to much.
good luck!
I think [name]Sullivan[/name] nn [name]Sully[/name] is adorable. I don’t think it will ever be in the top fifty names but I can see it getting to the top 100.
I’m not really a fan of [name]Indio[/name]. I think it is cute and spunky and would be cute on someone else’s child. It’s just not my style.
You think? See, I fear even having that name in the top 100.
I guess with a lot of the new fun names, you run that risk of it
striking in popularity. I use to love [name]Silas[/name] (still do) but thought and still
think that has some serious potential for moving up. Gives me something
to think about I guess:)
[name]Sullivan[/name] is only #706 now, and I guess only time will tell how high it goes. I think I’d be more concerned about its popularity if it had two syllables, because surnames with two syllables or less seem to catch on quickly.
[name]Harrison[/name] has been around forever, but it’s only in the 200s now, and [name]Finnian[/name] (not even in the top 1,000) is much less popular than [name]Finley[/name], [name]Finnegan[/name] (#647) or [name]Finn[/name] (#368).
On the bright side, unlike [name]Finnian[/name], a name like [name]Sullivan[/name] doesn’t have shorter variations in name or spellings that make it feel more popular than it really is.
I could be wrong, but I just think that longer surnames are safer than shorter ones when it comes to reaching mass popularity along the lines of the popular [name]Mason[/name], [name]Carter[/name], [name]Dylan[/name], etc. Yes, [name]Sullivan[/name] has been mentioned on Nameberry a lot, but then again, we’re name nerds who suggest names that, for the most part, feel fresh and underused. For example, [name]Beatrix[/name] is suggested a lot her, but I can’t see [name]Beatrix[/name] catching on like an [name]Ava[/name] or an [name]Isabella[/name].
I think that if you love [name]Sullivan[/name], you should use it!
Good luck!
I strongly discourage you from naming your son [name]Indio[/name]. In Latin american countries “indio” is a derogatory discriminatory term used to describe uneducated indigenous people, direct translation would be [name]Indian[/name]. Maybe you can go with [name]Indiana[/name], [name]Indigo[/name] or [name]Inigo[/name] (a form on [name]Ignatius[/name]).
[name]Love[/name] [name]Sullivan[/name], nn [name]Sully[/name]. Very cool name and I don’t see it getting super popular. Great choice.