What are your thoughts on [name]Lucian[/name]? I like the nicknames [name]Ian[/name] and [name]Lou[/name]. I love the name [name]Ian[/name] but it is too popular for me. Same goes with [name]Adrian[/name] and [name]Julian[/name], so I’ve been thinking about [name]Lucian[/name]. So far I like the history I have read about the name. I just wonder what people’s reactions would be. I’m in the US if that matters.
I think it’s a great name and a good alternative to the others you’ve listed-- it seems almost just like [name]Julian[/name], but not as popular (at least on nameberry!).
I like it a lot! [name]Lucian[/name] seems to be full of light and intelligence to me, it just has this great personality about it. I agree, the nns [name]Lou[/name] and [name]Ian[/name] are great. I think [name]Cian[/name]/[name]Kian[/name] could be a nice nn, too, even though it’s a soft “C” sound in the full name. [name]Luc[/name]/[name]Luke[/name] could also work, although I’m not sure how much I love it…
I like it a lot with your favorites!
I like this name, but it seems more popular than some of the other names you mentioned. I haven’t looked at any lists; I’m just going on feeling, so I could be totally wrong there. I prefer the nn [name]Luc[/name], but [name]Lou[/name] is really cute and creative – I like it! Also, I pronounce [name]Lucian[/name] LOO-shen. I know there are different ways people pronounce this name. [name]Just[/name] a heads up.
I don’t know about popularity on nameberry, but in the US, it is far less popular than any of the others. [name]Ian[/name] is #72, [name]Adrian[/name] is #56, [name]Julian[/name] is #49, and [name]Lucian[/name] is #596! I pronounce it the same way you do, and I know it may be pronounced Loo-see-en, but it doesn’t bother me. I think that would be more likely to happen with the [name]Lucien[/name] spelling, but I could be wrong.
Thanks to everyone who says they like it!
I also like [name]Luc[/name] as a nn. I used to love [name]Lucas[/name] nn [name]Luc[/name] but I’m not a fan of [name]Lucas[/name] anymore. I wouldn’t use [name]Cian[/name]/[name]Kian[/name] just because it is close to [name]Keon[/name], a child in my class right now. Thanks for the suggestions! If I ever used [name]Lucian[/name], the mn would most likely be [name]Alexander[/name].
I love Lucian! It was on our list for a while, but there were other names we liked better. I think it sounds very handsome and sophisticated…sort of like a debonair name. Lucian Alexander is absolutely stunning!
Thank you!
I really like it, too. I prefer the [name]Lucien[/name] spelling, but that wouldn’t get you the nickname [name]Ian[/name], which is a pretty cool nn for [name]Lucian[/name]! I posted a thread about pronunciation of the names [name]Lucien[/name] and [name]Lucius[/name] a while ago, and pronunciation among respondents seemed split right down the middle. I expect it would be the same for the spelling [name]Lucian[/name]–either you’d have to stick to the pronunciation you preferred, or allow people to pronounce his name differently. But if you intended to nickname him anyway, it wouldn’t be so much of an issue.
I love [name]Lucian[/name] [name]Alexander[/name], by the way! [name]Lucien[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is actually the combination I chose for another thread’s name game–a name for a blond celebrity baby boy!
Thanks for the info! I actually like both spellings of the name and would debate over which to choose if I wasn’t so set on [name]Ian[/name]. Maybe if I use the name he will be a celebrity! Haha
Wow – I’m shocked at those numbers. People must just be talking about it on here a lot. Thanks so much for sharing those – that’s really interesting!
By the way, [name]Lucian[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] is … just amazing. Pretty close to the perfect name in my opinion. Gorgeous.
@catheyc: I was surprised at the numbers, too. I’m really happy about [name]Lucian[/name]‘s lack of popularity and surprised that [name]Julian[/name] is the most popular. Out of all the names, I only know of one [name]Adrian[/name]; never met anyone with any of the names. Thank you for the compliment! The name is on the top of my boys’ list now. Though I am still expecting to get some negative feedback…
My nephews name is [name]Lucien[/name] and the name goes over really well.
I’m not sure which spelling I prefer, [name]Lucien[/name] makes the Loo-shen prn more natural, [name]Lucian[/name] looks more like it should be Loo-shan to me. I say both names more like Loo-shun, sort of halfway between the two, but it’s a nice name.
Good to know, thanks! [name]Do[/name] people ever have trouble with the pronunciation? [name]How[/name] old is he?