i was at the airport a couple days ago, and i saw a blonde boy who looked european. he had some kind of sports uniform on. i dont’ know what kind of team , but the top of his jersey said sumthing like baryn ma-. (it was in a diffent language). then the bottom of his jersey said lucio.
i dont know if baryn or lucio was his first name.
could anyone tell me what country the names lucio or baryn are from?

I’m not help, I don’t know where those names are from. I did live across the hall from a [name]Luciano[/name] in college, he was Hispanic, but I’m not sure from where. I really like the name.

It sounds like you saw a Bayern Munich shirt. Until recently they had a player called Lucimar Ferreira da [name]Silva[/name] who is commonly known as [name]Lucio[/name].

I like the name!