What do you think of the names?
Which do you prefer?
We are expecting [name]September[/name] 3rd, team green and are FINALLY working on naming this baby #3.
We have a
[name]Chloe[/name] [name]Chantal[/name]
[name]Charlotte[/name] [name]Ann[/name] [name]Francis[/name]
and a potential [name]Ciara[/name] ________ if it is a girl.
For a boy DH loves [name]Luke[/name]. It is his all time favorite name.
I prefer [name]Lucas[/name] (I think)
I also really like
Convince me to switch to [name]Luke[/name]!
Popularity is not a big deal to us (obviously see the girls! ha ha)
Any other names you would recommend? We like traditional names, not unisex.
My younger brother’s name is [name]Lucas[/name] and most people call him [name]Luke[/name]. This is an alternative if you like the name [name]Lucas[/name] more. He is used to being called both about half the time.
I don’t think I’m going to sway you. I like [name]Lucas[/name] better, too. Plus, it gives him so much flexibility. You can call a [name]Lucas[/name] “[name]Luke[/name]” but not the other way around. Would he be open to putting [name]Lucas[/name] on the birth certificate but calling him [name]Luke[/name] from the start?
I prefer [name]Luke[/name]. [name]Lucas[/name] seems sort of wimpy to me and I know a nice [name]Lucas[/name] so it’s not from association. [name]Luke[/name] is more classic obviously and more masculine. Would you use the nn [name]Luke[/name] for [name]Lucas[/name]? The [name]Lucas[/name] I know goes by [name]Luc[/name]; when I didn’t realize it was short for [name]Lucas[/name] I thought his parents were snobby or French or both.
[name]Luke[/name] has got to be one of these names that appeal more to men than women–I think associations like [name]Luke[/name] Skywalker and Cool Hand [name]Luke[/name] have something to do with it. But that isn’t necessarily a bad thing–after all, if you’re naming a boy it seems like a guy would know what a boy would like to be named? And [name]Luke[/name] is classic, like your daughters’ names, strong, but could still be sophisticated.
On the other hand, if you want to try to convince him of [name]Lucas[/name]…for me, the main appeal is that it’s such an international name. Your son could travel so many places and they would recognize [name]Lucas[/name] as a boys’ name. And with [name]Ciara[/name] on your list for a future daughter, it does seem like you’re moving in the direction of more international names. I don’t know whether the [name]Luke[/name] Skywalker reference is part of the appeal of [name]Luke[/name], for your DH, but maybe reminding him of [name]George[/name] [name]Lucas[/name] would up the [name]Lucas[/name] cool factor for him?
Thanks for the feedback!
I think most of my issue with [name]Luke[/name] is that it is [name]Just[/name] 1 syllable. Not sure why this is bothering me…
Hubby has always just loved the name, and is from southern [name]Africa[/name], so he has no movie character associations with the name, has never even seen [name]Star[/name] wars! :shock:
I think for sure we need a 2 syllable middle name, and would probably go with 2 middle names, as it is a Family tradition for my DH’s name to be carried on, and I think [name]Luke[/name] [name]Paul[/name] sounds awful! [name]Lucas[/name] [name]Paul[/name] is better but I don”t love it at all!!
Our last name ends in 'son
So help with middle name please!!
[name]Lucas[/name] __________ [name]Paul[/name] Lastnameson
[name]Luke[/name] __________ [name]Paul[/name] Lastnameson
Personally I think [name]Luke[/name] is the more solid, masculine choice. And what little boy wouldn’t love sharing his name with [name]Luke[/name] Skywalker?