Unsure if this is a GP or not… Thoughts on Lumen, please?
And do you prefer it for a girl or boy?
Unsure if this is a GP or not… Thoughts on Lumen, please?
And do you prefer it for a girl or boy?
[name_m]Just[/name_m] makes me think of the medical term “lumen,” meaning inside of a vessel. Not a terrible connotation, but doesn’t feel like a name to me.
I think “light” so it seems positive to me. I could easily see it on any gender, but prefer it on a boy, and also due to the -n ending being popular for boys. The NN [name_f]Lumi[/name_f] only helps it.
I think Lumen would suit a boy better. [name_f]Lumi[/name_f], on the other hand, would be sweet on a girl.
I second this!
The medical term was my first thought too. [name_f]Lumi[/name_f] is cute though.
I like it! I think it would be nice for a girl or a boy.
I like soft and sweet girl names that are also a little bit out of the box. In my opinion, Lumen, with it’s connotation of light and the cute nickname [name_f]Lumi[/name_f], would be more fitting for a girl. On the other hand, boys names ending in -en are growing in popularity right now, so it’s really up to you in where to use it.
I have to admit I dislike it. One of the few things I remember from my GCSE science is that xylem have large hollow lumen. For some reason, that fact haunts me so I can’t see it as a name.
My first thought is “light”. I like Lumen! Since it’s a neuter word in Latin I immediately see it as unisex.
This is what I thought of too. I think it probably sounds more like a boys’ name.
I’m not a fan, not because the word itself is ugly but because of the medical term lumen. It’s a very common medical term.
I don’t like Lumen for reasons previously mentioned, but [name_f]Lumi[/name_f] is sweet.