Lyndsay's latest list

I just edited this and it didn’t work! I’m trying again! What do you think? Oh, all the middle names are family names!


  1. [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Rowe[/name] nn [name]Dash[/name]
  2. [name]Lincoln[/name] [name]William[/name] Warfield nn [name]Link[/name]
  3. [name]Griffin[/name] [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Cloud[/name]


  1. [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette [name]Frost[/name] nn [name]Betsey[/name]
  2. [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] Darling nn [name]Heidi[/name]
  3. [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Sage[/name] nn [name]Sookie[/name]/[name]Sukie[/name]

I’m waffling on [name]Betsey[/name]'s full name. I’m pretty set on [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette, but [name]Chris[/name] would prefer Lulette [name]Elizabeth[/name].and for the second middle I’m torn between [name]Frost[/name], [name]Bliss[/name] and Jenness. I love [name]Heidi[/name]'s full name. We are also considering [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] Darling, but I think I prefer [name]Katherine[/name]. [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Sage[/name] is just, in my opinion, perfect! [name]Chris[/name] is still unsure about [name]Susannah[/name], but I think he will come around and really love it. He adores [name]Sookie[/name]. The combo is exactly right, too. Too bad she’s not until our third daughter. I wish i could nail down the exact perfect combo for [name]Betsey[/name]…

This is old!

I know I’ve been posting too much, thank you to anyone who even reads this!

I came up with the perfect name for a fourth boy, [name]Jude[/name]! [name]Julius[/name] nn [name]Jude[/name], actually. We’ve both always loved it but I guess we forgot about it. Seems perfect now.

[name]Dashiell[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Rowe[/name] “[name]Dash[/name]”
[name]Griffin[/name] [name]William[/name] Warfield “[name]Finn[/name]”
[name]Lincoln[/name] [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Cloud[/name] “[name]Link[/name]”
[name]Julius[/name] [name]John[/name] [name]Montgomery[/name]
[name]Julius[/name] [name]John[/name] Howland
[name]Julius[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Monroe[/name]. Something like that, haven’t thought about it yet.

I’m thinking of a vowel theme for the girls. I haven’t really found alliterative girls combos i truly love, so maybe that could be for the boys and the girls could be vowels. Hmm, now that i think about it. I could do anything, gemstones, flowers, etc. I must ponder. But i thought of doing vowels because I adore [name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Ivy[/name] and love them together as well as with the boys. Oh!
[name]Amelia[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Rose[/name] - A and flower
[name]Ivy[/name] [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]Faye[/name] - I and plant

Maybe a tree next, like [name]Magnolia[/name] as a middle. Or [name]Meadow[/name], which happens to honor my grandma. And [name]Apple[/name] honors my other grandma. I’m thinking nature and a vowel could be awesome. It needs more thought, but I just might take over the world with this idea.

Is it too weird to have the long [name]Elizabeth[/name] with [name]Ivy[/name]? I think it works well enough stylistically, plus I love them both. But would having her go by [name]Betsey[/name] defeat the vowel purpose? I do love [name]Eliza[/name] and [name]Ellie[/name], so those could work as well. [name]Chris[/name] wants [name]Electra[/name]. I’m not so sure. Thoughts. I love [name]Oona[/name] for O. I love it anyway, vowel theme or not. Think it’s too weird? I think it’s amazing

[name]Amelia[/name], [name]Ivy[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Oona[/name]? Well, I love it but i still need to think about it.

[name]Dash[/name], [name]Amelia[/name], [name]Finn[/name], [name]Ivy[/name], [name]Link[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Oona[/name] and [name]Jude[/name]? Keep in mind we plan to have 5 or 6, so a couple of these won’t get used.

I dislike [name]Electra[/name] & [name]Oona[/name]. Sorry!

No, I’d rather hear how many people hate them before I actually bestow them on a child! Thank you!

I actually love [name]Oona[/name] :slight_smile:
if you like the sound, but don’t like the spelling you could go for [name]Una[/name], which would be like “the first” and therefor usably only for your first daughter, but as I said, I love [name]Oona[/name].
I read a book with a mermaid called [name]Oona[/name] in it, so it’s got this slightly mythical flair to it now.
[name]Amelia[/name] is such a lovely name. It’s kind of noble, yet approachable, lovable and works for a child or an old lady(not sure about a middle-aged woman, but It’d probably work).
I also love [name]Ivy[/name], it sounds so pure and natural. The only negative thing, is that it’s rather short and sort of nickname-y.
To finish it of, I also really like [name]Elizabeth[/name]. [name]Lovely[/name] classic and so many possible nicknames.
I’m not of much help, sorry, I love all your names :slight_smile:

[name]Love[/name] [name]Julius[/name] nn [name]Jude[/name]! He fits right in with your other name choices. I think if you use one of those middles, [name]Julius[/name] [name]James[/name] sounds better then [name]Julius[/name] [name]John[/name]. I’m a huge fan of [name]Montgomery[/name] too so I’d love to see a little
[name]Julius[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Montgomery[/name] nn [name]Jude[/name]!
As for the girls I know both an [name]Electra[/name] and an [name]Oona[/name] and I think they are both adorable yet exotic names. Style wise they are very different then [name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name] which are not my favorites but I see why people like them. [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Ivy[/name]! I think the theme you are going for could really work well.

I like [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Julian[/name]; [name]Julius[/name] is okay; I happen to love [name]Judah[/name].

[name]Jude[/name] doesn’t strike me as a nickname for [name]Julius[/name], though; either is fine but I’d rather it were one or the other. I do like [name]Jules[/name] as a nn. I like your other names and nicknames except for [name]Finn[/name] (just nms) and Warfield (I’ll give it a pass if it’s a family name :slight_smile:

[name]Amelia[/name] and [name]Cecily[/name] aren’t my favorites, personally–I really dislike the sound of [name]Amelia[/name]–but there’s nothing wrong with them, and they do go well together. I like [name]Meadow[/name] as a middle quite a bit; [name]Apple[/name] just seems too something-random-a-celebrity-used-as-a-name. If you really want to use it, do use it in the middle. [name]Magnolia[/name] is okay, but I don’t love it. [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]Faye[/name] is just lovely :slight_smile:

I think [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Ivy[/name] are fine together–love [name]Elizabeth[/name]; it’s my Grandma’s name and definitely plan to use it–[name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Susan[/name], after my 2 grandmas.

[name]Oona[/name]'s not my style, and seems a very different style from all of your other names. It does match the shortness of [name]Ivy[/name], though.

On nicknames–using a nickname for [name]Elizabeth[/name] that doesn’t start with a vowel doesn’t negate the theme, to me. What does seem a little odd is for only one daughter to have a nickname, while all of the sons do. If [name]Amelia[/name] had a nickname ([name]Amy[/name]? [name]Mia[/name]? [name]Lia[/name]?) or one of the boys did not ([name]Griffin[/name]? [name]Julius[/name]?) then it would seem a little more balanced. But I might not have noticed it if you hadn’t pointed it out. Also, if you’re worried about the length of [name]Elizabeth[/name] you could just use [name]Eliza[/name].

I’m not fond of [name]Electra[/name]. It doesn’t match any of the others in style. But if your DH really likes it, perhaps it could be a middle name ([name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Electra[/name] [name]Meadow[/name]? Hmm, sounds like a heavy metal band).

[name]Ah[/name], but you don’t always get what you plan. And besides, kids are so fun (and conceiving them), why stop?

[name]Julius[/name] is in a slightly different style from the other boys’ names, but I think that they work, especially the nicknames. [name]Julius[/name] [name]John[/name] [name]Montgomery[/name] is my favorite combo, and I second the previous suggestion of [name]Julius[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Montgomery[/name]…

I think that [name]Ivy[/name] and [name]Elizabeth[/name] are fine in a sibset, and [name]Ivy[/name] and [name]Eliza[/name] fit very well together. [name]Oona[/name] is lovely, though it might be a bit unusual than the other names, especially [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Amelia[/name]. I think it could work, though… I don’t like [name]Electra[/name] as much as the others, and I have a harder time seeing it with the sibset… It would make a cool middle name, though…

For middle names, [name]Oona[/name] [name]Magnolia[/name] ____, [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Meadow[/name] ____, and [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Apple[/name] ____ are pretty. What about Pomeline, meaning “apple”? I think that [name]Elizabeth[/name] Pomeline ____ or [name]Oona[/name] Pomeline ____ would be lovely…

Some ideas for second middle names:

I can see [name]Dash[/name], [name]Amelia[/name], [name]Finn[/name], [name]Ivy[/name], [name]Link[/name], [name]Eliza[/name], [name]Oona[/name] and [name]Jude[/name] as siblings…

I like all of your current choices, though I ca’t get behind [name]Oona[/name]. I just really dislike the sound. I really like [name]Jude[/name] and [name]Ivy[/name], and I agree that [name]Eliza[/name] fits the sibset better than [name]Betsy[/name], which I also love. What happened to [name]Margo[/name]?

Well, you’ve already gotten my seal of approval on the first three boy’s names, now let’s move on to number 4.
I think [name]Julius[/name] is cool, and it seems to match the feel of the other boy’s names. I especially love the nickname [name]Jude[/name]! I wish I could use it, but I could never bring myself to because of my Jewish background (sounds too similar to “Jew” for a culturally Jewish person to use lol). Anyway… My favorite combo is [name]Julius[/name] [name]James[/name] [name]Monroe[/name]. I think it’s so cute and all around wonderful. Great choice.
This might be a weird suggestion, and I can’t really think of a good nickname for it right now, but I like the name [name]Cayman[/name]. One of my really good friends (since 2nd grade!) is named [name]Cayman[/name], and I’ve always thought it was quirky and cool - and I could totally see you using it. [name]Just[/name] thought I’d throw that out there for you! Although I also love [name]Julius[/name] nn [name]Jude[/name].

Onto the girls… First of all, what happened to [name]Margo[/name] and Lulette?! I love those names! Although I love the newest ones as well.
I really like the idea of the vowel and nature theme. I think it’s very cute.

  • [name]Amelia[/name] [name]Cecily[/name] [name]Rose[/name]: Beautiful! I absolutely adore the name [name]Amelia[/name], I’ve always loved it and I always will. [name]Will[/name] you do any nicknames? And the combo is gorgeous. [name]Love[/name] it!
  • [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]Faye[/name]: I think [name]Ivy[/name] is beautiful, and I think it goes wonderfully with [name]Amelia[/name] and the boys names. The combo is gorgeous, although I prefer [name]Annabelle[/name] to be spelled [name]Annabel[/name]. [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Annabel[/name] [name]Faye[/name] is so pretty!
  • [name]Elizabeth[/name]: I love the name [name]Elizabeth[/name] - it’s such a classic, and it’s always beautiful. I love the nickname [name]Ellie[/name], as well. You mentioned [name]Eliza[/name] as a nickname, which I think would be awesome as a full name with the sibset if you like. Either [name]Elizabeth[/name] or [name]Eliza[/name] would be great. And no, I don’t think the nickname [name]Betsy[/name] would defeat the vowel theme, it still works.
    -[name]Oona[/name]: I’m not a fan of [name]Oona[/name] at all. I don’t really care for the look or sound of it. I love all of your other names, but this one doesn’t do it for me.
    Some other O suggestions: [name]Olive[/name] (probably my favorite), [name]Odette[/name] (maybe it’s not the right style? I changed my mind I think it’s great with the other names), and [name]Opal[/name] (again, maybe not the right style).

So, instead of [name]Oona[/name], I’d suggest [name]Olive[/name] as my favorite. It combines the theme of vowel and nature.
The sibset: [name]Dash[/name], [name]Link[/name], [name]Finn[/name], [name]Jude[/name], [name]Amelia[/name], [name]Ivy[/name], [name]Elizabeth[/name], and [name]Olive[/name].
I think it’s great! Good luck, and I hope you find the combos you like. By the way, I think [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Meadow[/name] ____ would be great! :slight_smile:

[name]Sarah[/name]- thanks for your comment! I’m glad you like the names. I’m not worried about [name]Ivy[/name] being too short. I actually like that about it. And the nicknamey ness is something i thought about, but it’s not a nickname, ya know? I think it’s quite strong, while being cute. And in only 3 letters! Oh, and for some reason i don’t like [name]Una[/name] at all! The [name]Oona[/name] spelling makes it so much for fun and interesting in my opinion.

Sunnyshine- Isnt [name]Montgomery[/name] an amazing middle name? I’m glad you like it! You know an [name]Oona[/name] AND an [name]Electra[/name]? Wow! [name]How[/name] do they wear on a real person? I’m like you, i love the more unusual names, though I’m hesitant to actually use them. I’m glad to hear you like [name]Ivy[/name]. I feel like it’s a perfect balance between Names like [name]Elizabeth[/name] and [name]Oona[/name]!

Ycw- [name]Jude[/name] actually is a nickname for [name]Julius[/name], I didn’t make it up! Lol, i don’t like [name]Jude[/name] as a full name, and I’m not a fan of [name]Judah[/name], [name]Judas[/name] or [name]Julian[/name]. Warfield is indeed a family name, i would never use it otherwise! It’s from my husbands family and he absolutely loves it, so we will use it. It’s got a surname feel to it, so I think people will assume it’s a family name and that we don’t just love War (because we don’t, we’re democrats, lol!)

[name]Apple[/name] would honor my favorite story of all time, the way my grandparents met and fell in love. My screen name was Fatal [name]Apple[/name] for years because of it (way before Gwyneths baby!). it would absolutely only be a middle. Does that change your mind at all about me using it? [name]Ivy[/name] [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]Faye[/name] is my favorite combo of the moment, i just love it! My husband isn’t so sure…

I don’t know that I care about the nickname issues. Sometimes it bothers me and other times it doesn’t. And I love [name]Eliza[/name], but I love the nickname [name]Betsey[/name] and i couldn’t use it if i just named her [name]Eliza[/name].

[name]Do[/name] you have a lot of kids, or plan to? Most people think 5 is way too many! If we can afford it/handle it, id love to have more than 6. Although I’m turning 25 and i only have one, haha, i better get started!

[name]Cecily[/name]- wow, i can’t believe you suggested Pomeline! [name]Ive[/name] loved It for a long time! I’m not sure about it, though. It may be a little too romantic for me. [name]Oona[/name] is definitely more unusual than the rest, I think it could fit though if we decided to use it. I really doubt that we’d ever really use her or [name]Electra[/name].

Phoebesmom- Have you divulged your real name? Haha. What happened to [name]Margo[/name] is that i had a vision that Margos name is [name]Amelia[/name]. It also bothers me that apparently a lot of people think [name]Margo[/name] is hopelessly ugly. I do still love it though. I’m struggling with that vision of [name]Amelia[/name]. I love the name [name]Amelia[/name], but if I were going to choose a popular name, that wouldn’t be it… [name]How[/name] do you argue with a vision though, you know what i mean? What would you do?

[name]Rachel[/name]- oh my gosh, i hadn’t even though about [name]Jude[/name] sounding like Jew. [name]Do[/name] you think that’s offensive or anything? [name]Cayman[/name] is really cool, but my niece is [name]Kaelyn[/name] and we are very close with her. I can just imagine what my sister in law would think if we named our son [name]Cayman[/name], i think she’d be mad!

I’m glad to hear you like the combos. I can never decide if i prefer [name]Annabelle[/name] or [name]Annabel[/name]. See my comment above about [name]Margo[/name]. I haven’t given up on her or Lulette. My husband thinks we’ll never have a lulette because I’m too wishy washy about it. Some days its my favorite name ever, some days i don’t like [name]Lulu[/name] at all. If I had a Lulette i think I’d call her Peach. I really hope i use it at least as a middle. It’s the one name (followed closely by [name]Elizabeth[/name]) that i thinki would always regret not using. For that [name]Reason[/name], i think I will end up with Lulette [name]Elizabeth[/name] something as my first dAughter despite my wishy-washiness, haha. It probably really is the perfect name for our family, and I can imagine it on a daughter of mine. I always thought thats what my mother should have named me. Maybe Lulette [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Pearl[/name]? I could still have the nature theme, [name]Pearl[/name] is a fave of [name]Chris[/name]’, and my dads middle is [name]Earl[/name], so it would be a nod to him. But them it’s so hard to give up all the other names I love! Sometimes I think im more obsessed with names than anyone on this site! [name]Ah[/name]! Drives me crazy!

I like all your O suggestions. I love [name]Olive[/name], but it’s too close to [name]Ivy[/name], no? My really really lover [name]Odessa[/name], but [name]Chris[/name] doesn’t Like it.

So I titled this thread my latest list, so I figured I’d keep it here! I am sooo happy with what I have right now. I foresee this actually sticking.

Boys haven’t changed:

  1. [name]Dashiell[/name] [name]David[/name] [name]Rowe[/name]* nn [name]Dash[/name]
  2. [name]Lincoln[/name] [name]William[/name] Warfield nn [name]Link[/name]
  3. [name]Griffin[/name] [name]Christopher[/name] [name]Cloud[/name] nn [name]Finn[/name]
    Extras- Hartford nn [name]Hart[/name], [name]Julius[/name] nn [name]Jude[/name]. I don’t plan to have more than five boys, and if I do, I have time to think about it!


  1. [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette [name]Bliss[/name]/[name]Frost[/name]/Jenness nn [name]Betsey[/name]
  2. [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] Darling nn [name]Heidi[/name]
  3. [name]Susannah[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Sage[/name] nn [name]Sookie[/name]
    Extras- [name]Penelope[/name] nn [name]Penny[/name], [name]Rosalie[/name] nn [name]Rose[/name], [name]Cassia[/name] nn [name]Cassie[/name], [name]Margo[/name]/[name]Marguerite[/name] nn [name]Goldie[/name].

I’m having trouble with [name]Betsey[/name]'s middle name. It may not have perfect flow, but I want [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette ___ to be it. My husband says [name]Elizabeth[/name] is too boring for a first name, he’d prefer Lulette. But after much much much thought, I don’t want to end up calling my daughter [name]Lou[/name], and that’s what will happen since I just simply cant say [name]Lulu[/name] that well. And I am just so completely in love with [name]Betsey[/name]. And why name her Lulette just to call her [name]Betsey[/name]? So, there’s that.

I like [name]Elizabeth[/name] Lulette [name]Frost[/name] maybe the most. The original Lulette was Lulette [name]Frost[/name] Jenness. So, I like the idea of really going for her name, since i love it! I decided I want to use old family surnames as the second middle for all my kids. That’s more important to me than a nature theme. I also love [name]Bliss[/name], and the B would give her alliteration with our last name, oh, she already will be [name]Betsey[/name] [name]Becker[/name]! Haha, whatever, she could also be [name]Betsey[/name] [name]Bliss[/name]! I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time hammering this down!

[name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Katherine[/name] Darling is pretty much set in stone! It could possibly be [name]Adelaide[/name] [name]Rosemary[/name] Darling, but I enjoy the extreme classicness of [name]Katherine[/name] paired with Darling. Oh, and I know there isn’t really alliteration, but the D in [name]Adelaide[/name] is so strong, that i sort of feel like it counts, but it doesn’t bother me, anyway.

[name]Susannah[/name] [name]Eleanor[/name] [name]Sage[/name]- I am IN [name]LOVE[/name] with this name! [name]Ah[/name]! I’m still convincing [name]Chris[/name], but man, i think this is it! I love it so much! Killer nicknames? Check! Alliteration? Check! Classic yet spunky? Check! Honors family in all three names? Check! It is soooo perfect! [name]Lemon[/name], if you’re reading this, it reminds me of my alliterative [name]Sage[/name] family ancestors, remember? [name]Samuel[/name] and his daughter [name]Sarah[/name] [name]Sage[/name]? This is a bit of a nod to them! Between [name]Sookie[/name], [name]Sukie[/name], [name]Susie[/name], [name]Sunny[/name], [name]Anna[/name], [name]Annie[/name], and even [name]Sadie[/name]! I think one of those will suit her no matter what she does in life!

[name]Dash[/name], [name]Betsey[/name], [name]Link[/name], [name]Heidi[/name], [name]Finn[/name] and [name]Sookie[/name]. Is it just me or are the so cool together? I so want three and three!

This is old!

So i just realized i have a nature theme going for my boys that i never noticed before! [name]Rowe[/name] refers to a person who lives along a hedgerow. If that’s. Stretch, rowing as in a row boat is a naturey sport! And [name]Rowan[/name] is a tree with red berries. I think that is enough to make it count as a nature name. Warfield is obviously a field, and [name]Cloud[/name] is a cloud! [name]How[/name] did i never see this before?

So I’m loving my nature theme idea even more! If we go with [name]Julius[/name], i was thinking maybe [name]Frost[/name] as a middle (it’s a family name). I like [name]Julius[/name] [name]John[/name] [name]Frost[/name], but does it flow? Is it long enough? I don’t know why, but i really like it. I like [name]John[/name] a lot because there have been so many great men in history, and in our family tree, named [name]John[/name]. I love the sound of [name]James[/name] more, but it would only honor my uncle, which i don’t particularly want to do. It’s a shame, if it weren’t for him, i almost would have named my so [name]James[/name].

My other favorite for boys is Hartford. I would swoon if i met a guy named [name]Hart[/name]. [name]Do[/name] you think it counts as a nature name? A hart is a deer, so i suppose it does.

For girls i have so many options that do the double duty of honoring people.
[name]Rose[/name]. [name]Rosalie[/name], [name]Rosemary[/name]
[name]Kitty[/name] (this is what my mom goes by, i think it might be a cute second middle)
[name]Pansy[/name] or [name]Daisy[/name]

Anything related to oranges or lemons.
Sparrows are my favorite animal (weird, i know). [name]Don[/name]'t know that i like it as a name though.

There are also the birthstones and flowers of people. My mom and mil are both [name]March[/name], so that gives me Aquamarine and [name]Jonquil[/name]. Maybe [name]Aqua[/name] would be cool? Also for [name]Eleanor[/name] of Aquitane, hmmm. Im thinking that could be a neat choice, but it might be too strange, even for me.

I know there are more I’m not remembering. I also love [name]Summer[/name], [name]Autumn[/name], [name]April[/name], [name]June[/name] and [name]May[/name]. Think those count as nature names? Maybe the seasons do but not the months.

Thank you all for indulging me!

[name]Lyndsay[/name] (this feels formal, like I’m writing a letter),
I definitely don’t think [name]Jude[/name] is offensive. It’s just that, being that I have a Jewish background and I would love to continue some Jewish (yet non religious) traditions, I could never bestow [name]Jude[/name] on a son of mine. I’ve experienced too many rude comments about being Jewish that I couldn’t make it easy for my kids’ peers…
Anyways, onto the names…
I absolutely adore your combos, they’re all great. And I absolutely love Lulette! Your husband is definitely right about you being wishy-washy about the name… While [name]Lulu[/name] isn’t always my favorite nickname (I’m kind of like you, it depends on the day if I like it or not), I think Peach is adorable. I wouldn’t be surprised if you ended up naming your first daughter is named Lulette. I think Lulette [name]Elizabeth[/name] [name]Pearl[/name] is very pretty! What a great combo.
Haha sometimes it does seem like you’re the most obsessed… But that’s alright, because we (or at least I know I do) love indulging in your obsession.

I was hesitant about suggesting [name]Olive[/name] because it does sound a little similar to [name]Ivy[/name]… But I still love [name]Olive[/name], so I had to suggest it. But it might not work with [name]Ivy[/name], which I think is gorgeous. [name]Odessa[/name] is gorgeus! What a shame that [name]Chris[/name] doesn’t like it.

I did not even realize you had a whole nature theme going! That’s awesome, I like that.
[name]Julius[/name] [name]John[/name] [name]Frost[/name] is pretty cool. But I’m not crazy about the two one-syllable names next to each other. But I love [name]Frost[/name]! Maybe [name]Julius[/name] [name]Jonathan[/name] [name]Frost[/name]? I’m not sure, it’s a tough one.
I think Hartford is great, but I’m not crazy about [name]Hart[/name]. I think it’s cool, but I’m not sure how much a child or teenager would like it. [name]Ford[/name] would be a good nickname until they grew into or decided they like [name]Hart[/name].

I love [name]Meadow[/name], [name]Iris[/name], [name]Rose[/name] (and it’s variations), [name]Pearl[/name], [name]Autumn[/name], and [name]June[/name]. Those are beautiful names.
Maybe instead of [name]Ivy[/name] you could do [name]Iris[/name] [name]Annabelle[/name] [name]Faye[/name]? And I think [name]Olive[/name] would be great with [name]Iris[/name]!

If you think of any more combos, it would be awesome to know them! I always enjoy commenting on them :slight_smile:

I edited this and I had to bump it to make it show up! Boo! I hate bumping stuff!

[name]Read[/name] the first post, pretty please!

I vote for [name]Una[/name] instead of [name]Oona[/name], I love [name]Electra[/name], and [name]Magnolia[/name] is great. I once read somewhere that someone wanted the name [name]Magnolia[/name] [name]Quinn[/name]. [name]Dashiell[/name] sounds…umm…like something [name]Denzel[/name] [name]Washington[/name] would name his son. [name]Link[/name] reminds me of the video game character, but [name]Finn[/name] is a lovely name. [name]Julius[/name] [name]James[/name] is better than [name]Julius[/name] [name]John[/name]. My two cents.