What do you think of this name? I’ve always liked last names as first names, and it’s been on my side list for quite some time.
Opinions? Ideas for middle names? I was thinking [name]Macaulay[/name] [name]Jaden[/name] (I’ve always loved that name and I’m thinking it’s a good way to indulge in one of my guilty pleasure names lol).
[name]Do[/name] you think [name]Mac[/name] is a cute nickname for [name]Macaulay[/name]?
I [name]Love[/name] [name]Macauley[/name], my hubby doesn’t though [name]Every[/name] time I brought it up he slapped his hands to his face and screamed a la [name]Kevin[/name] [name]Macallister[/name] in Home Alone… yes, he’s very adult-like
I like [name]Mac[/name] as nn, too, but I do have to say that I’m VERY much not a fan of the [name]Jayden[/name]/[name]Jaylin[/name]/[name]Jade[/name] trend and I don’t think it flows very well with [name]Macauley[/name].
I think [name]Macaulay[/name] is a great name and I love the nn of [name]Mac[/name]
Can I steer you away from [name]Jaden[/name] and indeed any of the ‘aden’ names?
Most name nerds almost have nervous breakdowns when they see [name]Jaden[/name] or [name]Nevaeh[/name] being used, these names are tryndy, here today gone tomorrow names.
I know I really shouldn’t love [name]Jaden[/name], I hate all trendy and yoo-neek names, but this name has just always been one of my guilty pleasure names.
But thanks for steering me away from it. I just need to be beaten over the head with good names to distract me away from [name]Jaden[/name]. Haha.
I love [name]Macaulay[/name] [name]Robert[/name] Thanks for the suggestion! I’d love to hear so much more.
I like [name]Macaulay[/name] and especially like the nn [name]Mac[/name]. I’ve been trying to think of names that lead to [name]Mac[/name] (I don’t know why, just something to think about I guess as I am not pregnant).