Mairin - pronunciation?

Was wondering how to correctly pronounce the name

“Mairin” - I would like it to be pronounced “[name]May[/name]-ryn” - but would it read as this?

The original Irish name is M”ir”n, pronounced both MAW-reen and MOI-reen.

As Mairin, without the accents, I would say [name]MARE[/name]-in.

I would probably pronounce it [name]MARE[/name]-in, too. And she might get the occasional MY-rin, too.

What about Maerin, or Mayrin? They’re not as pretty, but you’re more likely to get the pronunciation you want.

My first instinct is to pronounce Mairin as Mair (rhyming with “air”)-win, but I’m not sure that’s correct.

my daughter’s name is mairen. we pronounce it mare-in, but no-one else spells or pronounces it correctly. they all say marian because they have never seen her name before. i thought spelling it like air would make it easier, not so much. i would think spelling it mayrin would get the pronunciation you like.

I would say [name]Mare[/name]-in, but I don’t know anyone with this name, so I might be wrong?

My Daughters name is Mairin. In scots Gaelic it is pronounced mar-in, in Irish it’s pronounced moi-reen. [name]Hope[/name] this helps, Mairin is now 8 and hates her name as everyone mispronounces it:-(