Mary Zenobia


I absolutely love the name [name]Mary[/name], and I think my first reaction upon seeing it paired with [name]Zenobia[/name] was confusion (but in a good way). I love when [name]Mary[/name] is paired with something unexpected (I think it’s refreshing), and while [name]Zenobia[/name] fits the bill, I think I’m just not used to seeing it, either on its own or with another name.

I’ve been staring at the combo for a while now, and it’s really growing on me. I think that the flow is great, and I like the more offbeat [name]Zenobia[/name] with the traditional [name]Mary[/name].
I think it’s lovely. :slight_smile:

Good luck! :slight_smile:

I completely second what [name]Jill[/name] said - [name]Mary[/name] is gorgeous, and it balances [name]Zenobia[/name] out very nicely.

Good luck!

[name]Jill[/name], as always, has put every thought that ran through my mind so eloquently. I love, love, love it. [name]Mary[/name] is so traditional and beautiful; [name]Zenobia[/name] is funky and fun. Perfect.

Thanks guys, but in the interest of full disclosure, I’m not expecting. I just like names. No need to wish me luck. :slight_smile:

Everyone can do with a little bit of good luck, expecting or not :smiley: