I’m curious how much does it actually matter to you guys that siblings names flow well together or have the same sort of vibe? I can see why it would appeal but I can also understand that it’s down to preference.
It’s a lot more important to me than I’d like it to be. I know it’s pretty arbitrary in the end, but it’s still really important to me. Maybe that will chance when I actually have children to name
I think I like the idea of their names matching a certain theme or meanings but I feel like I could be more forgiving in terms of flow.
I’m sort of down the middle these days. I used to be firmly in the camp that sibling names should at least make sense together. For instance, I know two sisters named Maddalynne and [name_f]Octavia[/name_f]. One is more modern with a “creative” spelling and the other is obscure and regal. They feel very, very noticeably different to me and it irks me a bit. On the other hand, I have relatives (mother, father, 4 kids) who all have names with the same letter. That seems almost too much.
I will note that sometimes even vastly different sibset names somehow sound okay. I think it because you naturally associate the children with each other. You get so used to saying [name_u]Tyler[/name_u] and [name_m]Reginald[/name_m] that they eventually “make sense” together because they are brothers, not because their names go together.
It doesn’t really matter to me, as you can probably tell from my children’s names It used to, but in the end I just decided that going with something we truly love is more important.
[name_f]My[/name_f] children’s names all have the same vibe to me though (except for Hjörtur maybe, but he has a different father). A vibe is rather personal, so other people probably see it as very eclectic, I don’t know.
Name nerds like us tend to find matching sibsets very important, but most people don’t pay much attention to it. I guess people in general classify our children’s names as “unusual” without giving it much thought.
I think it’s a subjective topic because sometimes I think my faves just go to together because I like them all
I don’t give it too much thought other than I don’t like matching first letters or too many matching sounds.
But I also don’t want them SO different that it looks odd.
Sisters [name_f]Margaret[/name_f] and [name_f]Kaycee[/name_f]? No.
I only have one baby right now so it’s possible I’ll change my mind when we have another, but matching doesn’t feel that important to me. There’s so many names out there and I feel like most of them can fit together well enough.
I think where I’d start to believe they should match is when you’ve had more than 2 or 3 and have created a pattern. Like they all start with A. Then I feel like the fourth child should also start with A. But if it’s just going off of vibes or styles it’s not that important to me.
I have six kids (going on seven) and I care more about their names going together than my husband does. I questioned if our sixth’s name fit with the others’ and he said, “Our theme is ‘names we liked and chose for our children.’” I think I care less as I get older/we have more kids. Yes, it’s nice when I rattle off their names to feel like it’s cohesive. But they’re each individuals and it’s more important that each name fits each child.
I personally don’t care all that much as my own style can be fairly eclectic, although I would find it a bit jarring if I met siblings named, say, Braxleigh and [name_f]Lucretia[/name_f]. I’m actually more concerned with making sure sibling names aren’t Too matchy. For example, since we had already decided on [name_f]Emily[/name_f], I had to take [name_u]Kimberly[/name_u] off our list as the sounds are too matchy for me personally.
I don’t think it necessarily matters if siblings’ names have the same vibe. I led rather love all of my kids’ names than settle for names I don’t love just because they “go” together.
That said, I happen to have a really distinct style of name that I love, so any names I picked for siblings would likely go together pretty well! I’d sooner name two sisters [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] and [name_f]Felicity[/name_f] than [name_f]Matilda[/name_f] and [name_f]Ashleigh[/name_f]. Style is important to me in that regard.
I like to follow less of a theme and more of a vibe. One of my favorite examples is that, for me, [name_u]Noah[/name_u], [name_f]Molly[/name_f] & [name_u]Vivian[/name_u] all give off the same vibe, making the names flow well together. I don’t think its super important that all of your kids names go together though, but personally, I like them to flow at least somewhat.