We are really struggling with a middle name for our 2nd girl. I am due to have triplets soon and decided on the names, [name_m]Luca[/name_m] (girl), [name_f]Lani[/name_f] (Lay-Nee) (girl), and [name_m]Luan[/name_m] (Lou-En)(boy). With middle names we chose names that sounded good with their first names. [name_f][/name_f][name_m]Luca[/name_m] [name_f]Claire[/name_f] [name_f][/name_f][name_m]Luan[/name_m] [name_m]Cole[/name_m] [name_f][/name_f][name_f]Lani[/name_f]? [name_f][/name_f]Because the other two middle names coincidentally started with a C, we were looking for C names the go well with [name_f]Lani[/name_f]. [name_f][/name_f][name_f]Lani[/name_f] [name_f]Callie[/name_f] [name_f][/name_f][name_f]Lani[/name_f] [name_f]Ciel[/name_f]
[name_f]Lani[/name_f] [name_f]Ciel[/name_f] of the two you have. I find the repetitive sound of [name_f]Lani[/name_f] [name_f]Callie[/name_f] a bit awkward.
[name_f]Lani[/name_f] [name_f]Celine[/name_f] would be my personal choice.
Presuming you want it on the shorter end of syllables like the others, maybe:
I really like the sound of Lani Claire, if you’d be open to changing Luca’s middle name.
I like the sound of Lani Ciel more than Lani Callie. Assuming you care more about same initials than same sounds, I really like the previous suggestions of Celeste & Celine — Luca Celeste would be stunning.
On a side note I have 3 daughters 2 of which have names that start with the same letter (completely different second letters, different syllable count and style of name) and despite them being years apart, different looks and personality I still mix their names up constantly half the time end up calling them E just cos I know I’m saying the wrong one… they hate it!
The names you’ve picked could end up causing a similar issue for you as two of them particularly are very similar sounding… I think if it doesn’t cause issues for you as the parents you may find it causes a lot of issues for people meeting your kids and trying to remember which name with which child and trying desperately not to mix them up as most people would be aware that multiples would dislike being mixed up with their siblings… maybe you might want to flip one of the names for example maybe Cole Luan, to make it a little easier for yourselves/kids in the long run… just a thought … all the best with your new arrivals and whatever names you pick!
Thank you so much for bringing this up! I was worried about myself calling out the wrong names but never thought about other people also struggling with this!!
Oh I’m so glad it helped and i didn’t over step with opinions. I only mention it as I have a few twins in my acquaintance and I’m bad with faces… so I’m always freaking out trying to remember which name one is which… meeting triplets would be harder as there is three names to remember and then who belongs to who… plus [name_m]Luca[/name_m] is unisex so that’s an extra trick to remember…
Big congrats! I like Luca Ciel, Lani Claire & Luan Cole - this is so there is a mix of around and soft C for Luca (Luca Claire has the two strong C’s). You could also use one of the other soft C names for Luca if you want to keep Lani Ciel, or have Luca Ciel with Lani Cleo or a different C name.
Now my take or leave extra thoughts:
Luca is likely going to be seen as the boy name upon first glance, and Luan as Lou-Anne as their first attempt at name (I really like Luan though!). They’re also both Lu names, so instead consider:
Lyra (or another short L name that isn’t Lu starting)
More controversial, reconsider matchy-matchy for triplets. As a twin myself, being in a multiple is quite intense, lovely but also intense. You’re also compared a lot, compare yourself a lot (believing every attribute is zero sum - eg if one of the group is smart/sporty/a good reader/ sweet & kind etc, I can’t be that thing at all - as if no one can have overlapping abilities and tendencies). I personally would want my kids who will already be known as “The Triplets” to have individual names, even if similar - eg a common L sound (and even if keep the common C middle):
Luan Cole
Alara Ciel
Everly Claire
Or to mix them up but still lovely, beachy & creative vibes:
Luan Cole
Ciel Hallie
Kaia Solenne (Suh-LENNE, is also Solène)
Luan Cole
Alana Claire nn Lani
Ciel Lisette (Ciel is so pretty!)
Anyway, like I said, take or leave! But as they grow, I do think they’ll appreciate their own initials and a bit of space in their identities. You’ll likely also find it practically easier to have at least slightly different names.
After some thinking and some thoughts from amazing people, the thought of having three names so close to each other is probably not the best idea. Because of this I am thinking of other names for the girls. [name_f][/name_f]I love the name [name_m]Luca[/name_m] so decided to switch [name_m]Luan[/name_m] [name_m]Cole[/name_m] to [name_m]Luca[/name_m] [name_m]Reid[/name_m]. [name_f][/name_f]Any name suggestions for two girls that match with [name_m]Luca[/name_m]? [name_f][/name_f]Any suggestions are appreciated, thank you.
I am glad you’re shifting approach on this, think it’s much better longterm.
I love Luca for a boy - I do also love Luan so keep in back pocket.
Then the girls depend on whether you see Luca Reid as primarily European/international, cowboy’ish, classic, or modern & unisex? Am assuming at least somewhat “Southern” so have gone for that feel with slightly different emphases.
So how about (and obv sub out the middles for honour names if you’re going down that path):
Romy Kate
Scarlett Elise
Eloise Maeve
Sienna Quinn
Ivy Claire
Tessa Catherine or Tess Catherine
(If want to keep C middles)