See the results of this poll: Melissa- usable?
Respondents: 76 (This poll is closed)
- Melissa is definately usable : 29 (38%)
- Melissa is a bit too dated to use : 35 (46%)
- Melissa is a horrible name: 12 (16%)
Respondents: 76 (This poll is closed)
Too 1980’s haha, sorry I am not fond of that name. Similar to [name]Melissa[/name]: [name]Millicent[/name], [name]Melisande[/name], [name]Melitta[/name], [name]Melise[/name], And [name]Mischa[/name].
I guess I don’t see [name]Melissa[/name] as old-fashioned. To me, “old-fashioned” brings up images of [name]Harriet[/name], [name]Jane[/name], [name]Rosemary[/name], etc. [name]Melissa[/name] seems more “dated” than “old-fashioned.” I feel old-fashioned names have an old-lady chic vibe that is starting to become more popular recently, while dated names are over-used names from our parent’s or our own generation that aren’t ready for a comeback because they still feel stale.
I knew several Melissas my own age, and a few in my parent’s generation. While [name]Melissa[/name] is a pretty name, it’s definitely unusable in my book because of its dated feel. Maybe our children or grandchildren will find [name]Melissa[/name] ripe with old-lady chic charm…
It is slightly dated, but who cares about that, if you like it? “Dated” is spoken about as such a negative around here. I understand that things fall out of fashion, but going with something you love and that is a pretty name, is much more important than finding that perfectly fashionable name. Think about the name [name]Harper[/name]. That name is going to feel so “dated” in 30 years! Almost all names go through that phase.
It is a bit dated. My first thoughts when I hear [name]Melissa[/name] are [name]Melissa[/name] [name]Gilbert[/name] and [name]Melissa[/name] [name]Sue[/name] [name]Anderson[/name]. I am a [name]Little[/name] House fanatic.
I like [name]Melissa[/name]. I get why people think it’s dated, but I don’t think that’s always such a bad thing. [name]Melissa[/name] definitely makes me think of 80s names, but there were plenty of 80s names that are nice and should continue to be used.
If you’re worried about [name]Melissa[/name] being dated, what about using it as a middle name?
I second diana_m and ohiom’s comments. It is somewhat dated, but it’s in the pretty class of dated names, and I think sometimes names like that are refreshing, and they all but guarantee the child will have a name that no or few of her peers have. I went to high school (in the 1990s) with a [name]Belinda[/name], which was probably a mom name then, and her name always seemed striking!
[name]Melissa[/name] has nice nn’s like [name]Mel[/name], [name]Melly[/name], Liss, Lissy. Maybe [name]Melia[/name] although that’s more of its own name (and fresher, if you like it).
I think you should keep looking, but if this were your very favorite name that you love more than others, I’d recommend using it.
To me it’s very [name]Lisa[/name], [name]Laura[/name], [name]Tiffany[/name], [name]Jennifer[/name], [name]Stephanie[/name]… too dated. [name]Melisande[/name] is gorgeous though.
I like [name]Melissa[/name]. I think it’s a little dated, but in 20 years or so, it’ll probably be new again. Plus, it’d be a refreshing to see a little [name]Melissa[/name] (or [name]Missy[/name]) as compared to the dozens of [name]Sophia[/name]'s, [name]Madison[/name]'s, and [name]Isabel[/name]'s there are now.
This. Who cares if it’s “dated”? I’d rather meet a baby [name]Melissa[/name] than another [name]Maddy[/name] or [name]Bella[/name].
Thanks for all your opinions.
I have always like the name [name]Melissa[/name] but realised it is not even remotely trendy.
I guess that is what made me ask what people thought about it as a name to use now.
It has the ‘known’ factor, and great nns. Certainly won’t blend in with all the Adysons, Everlees and Harpers.
Seems like a very mixed reaction though- some just generally don’t like it, others see it as too dated, some day usable.
You rang?
I hated being one of many Melissas as a kid, but now I have a new appreciation for it. It’s a pretty name, it does have a neat history, and I’d rather be/meet a [name]Melissa[/name] than a Haydynne.
I think it’s nice! I have an 80s name ([name]Erin[/name]) and I think it would sound better on a girl born in 2012 because she wouldn’t have so many others her age. [name]Melissa[/name], to me, is like [name]Jennifer[/name] and [name]Amanda[/name]: yes, it was most popular during a specific era, but it’s still pretty and respectable.
I’ve just known soooo many. From elementary school through to women older than my mother. It’s one of those names I never really liked to begin with and the overuse just made me glad when it fell out of common use. It’s right up there with Christina in my head.
[name]Melissa[/name] is very dated to me. Which I guess isn’t a bad thing, but I feel like the name should rest a bit.
I like [name]Melissa[/name], especially because of all the nickname possibilities.
[name]Melissa[/name] is a guilty pleasure of mine. It’s dated, undeniably, but it’s also probably my favourite 80’s name. So pretty and delicate - I like all the sounds in it.
Did you/do you go by a nn at all?
I prefer to go by my full name, but most of my friends call me “[name]Mel[/name]” for short. My mom calls me “[name]Missy[/name]” which I’ve tried to discourage to no avail. Many of my other family members call me “Liss” or “[name]Lissa[/name]” which I probably like the most.
I just counted seven (!) other friends named [name]Melissa[/name] on my Facebook page. Most of them are former coworkers, and most of them also go by “[name]Mel[/name].”