Membrane sweep?

Anyone had success with labor induction after getting a membrane sweep? [name_m]Reading[/name_m] about it, there is a risk of breaking your waters but then contractions not starting. Which, of course would lead to more interventions which I am trying to avoid. I’m not wanting to induce, but also don’t want to go to 42 weeks like I did with my first birth. Thanks!

I had it done with each pregnancy, the first two babies I believe I had one with each? I was 2cm dilated when I went into labor both times (well, the second time I was induced, but still 2cm was enough for them to break my water to get things going). With my third baby, I had it done twice. The first time got me to 2cm again and there was no real change. But after the second sweep, I lost my plug/had a show and was almost 5cm when I went into labor --so a definite improvement. Labor began a few days after the first sweep for #1 and the second for #3. Each time I was uncomfortable and had contractions after, but nothing regular or strong enough to really get things going. They always just fizzled. The first two times I would have said “eh, it didn’t do too much” but after having it twice last pregnancy and losing the plug/getting to 5cm beforehand, I would say it was worth it for me.

Also, all three have been right on their ultrasound due dates (the induction a few days before), so I’ve never gone over. They always have offered a sweep to me at 38 weeks, not before. But of course I don’t know if that was due to the sweep or if they would have come on their own then anyway.

I had it done and kinda wish I hadn’t. Contractions started the following day, but my water didn’t break until 3 days later. It was a fairly ‘easy’ labor though, it didn’t require any intervention.

I had about a million sweeps between my two. With my first I went to 42 weeks and had a sweep or two, but they couldn’t really do one effectively because I wasn’t dilated at all. I ended up being induced with Cervidil.

With my second I experienced some contractions after each sweep but they fizzled after a few hours each time. I think I had 3 or 4? We were trying to get him out due to size concerns. I did go from 1cm dilated to 4cm. [name_f]My[/name_f] waters didn’t break, and I was induced by having my waters broken. But after that regular contractions started right away, I didn’t need any other interventions, and labor was only 5 hours from start to baby.

I did find sweeps uncomfortable bordering on painful but I don’t regret having them. Definitely something to try if you get to that point. The 42 week struggle is so real. I was dreading going that long again with my second! Good luck with whatever you decide.

Thank you all so much for your input. I am 39+5 today and have midwife appointment tomorrow, I am going to have them check me to see if I’m dilated at all and probably ask for a sweep. I read you have to be at least 1cm for them to perform the sweep. I’ve been having alot of pressure and cramps, so hoping I’m at least 1cm. [name_u]Baby[/name_u] has been dropped down for days now. So hard to know if it’s the sweep that helps or just happens to be the time. I guess the sweep doesn’t have many risks besides not really working, so why not try? I am also 1hr 20min from my birthing center, so that is a factor. If we could have it a little better timed out that’d be great rather than not making it there in time if this happens to be a very fast labor. Thanks again! Hoping tomorrow gets things moving!