Merida - too Brave?

Hello dear berries! :slight_smile:

Quick question - now that there’s a kids’ movie with a heroine of the same name, is [name]Merida[/name] usable right now or will people assume that the name was given because of the character?

As a side note, this would be a potential name for me, a teenberry. I thought about [name]Merida[/name] as a fresher alternative/nickname to [name]Meredith[/name] about a week before I found out about the movie. Is the image of a fiery-haired archer-princess too strong, or could any girl carry it off?

[name]TIA[/name] :slight_smile:

I haven’t seen the film yet, but like you, I think of [name]Merida[/name] as a fresh twist on the beautiful [name]Meredith[/name]. I like it – hugely.

The one problem is that just as there are now a number of Ariels and Belles reaching the age of marriage, you probably won’t be the only one to pick up this idea now Disney has put it out there. I am afraid it might become very popular in the next few years.

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Merida[/name]. Vote YES!!!

I haven’t seen it yet either, but I have heard that’s the main character’s name. Though it’s the first time I heard this name, I don’t think it will stick forever. I like it as a shorter alternative to [name]Meredith[/name]. It gets my vote!

I agree with valkyrie. [name]Even[/name] though the main character is [name]Merida[/name], and I hadn’t heard it before, I understand the name has its own history and I do love the sound. Right now I think it’s connected to the character, but it won’t always be (the same way [name]Belle[/name], [name]Ariel[/name] etc aren’t).

I vote yes, go for it!

You raise a good point! I’m not too worried about that, though, because I’m always going to be over a decade and a half older than any little [name]Merida[/name] who was named after the character. But that’s still a very good point.

I agree, but I still vote yes. [name]Merida[/name] is a beautiful name.

[name]Merida[/name] is really pretty, but I do think of the movie, although I haven’t seen it. I still vote yes!

That seems to be the general consensus! A lot of berries, as well as people outside of Nameberry, say that it reminds them of the movie, but they haven’t seen it or don’t want to, so I guess it’s not as big a concern as I originally thought.

I saw the movie and that was when I first heard of the name. So naturally I think of the movie. But that is not a bad thing at all. The [name]Merida[/name] in the movie is a skillful, independent and resourceful girl, an awesome namesake.