Middle name after dog that passed ? Crazy or not

Thoughts on a Middle name after soul dog that passed away. Might help to read backstory on the bottom.

I’m using [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] as my son’s first name.

How crazy would it be to use koda as a middle name for my son?

How would he feel if he we told him he was named after a dog ?

How will others respond if we tell him the meaning of his middle name ?

I want honest opinions.

Have to provide a backstory here’s [name_f]My[/name_f] soul dog koda passed away when I was pregnant with my daughter. We found out she had a month to live and a week later I had my pregnancy positive test. She lived for 6 more months. She was a big part in my husbands and my life for 11.5 years. We got her in university together. She came to my university tennis matches. Introduced us to an outdoor hiking mountain lifestyle. She was at our wedding when we eloped. And of course she was there when we bought our first house together. She passed away when I was 20 weeks pregnant over 2 years ago.

Dogs are still a big part of our life: we have two [name_m]German[/name_m] shepherds now. And a cat

Thank you for reading, and genuinely curious in others thoughts

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I personally wouldn’t.

Personally I don’t think I would however that’s just me. I strongly believe middle names is the opportunity to be a bit bolder, maybe more creative and pay tribute to something that’s meaningful to you. I think using [name_u]Koda[/name_u] as a middle name works if that’s what you want to do. I would just be prepared for a little questioning about the choice from loved ones and your son as it’s a little outside the box to use your dogs name as an honour name for your child. But hey if someone can honour their love of the beach by naming their child [name_u]William[/name_u] [name_u]Ocean[/name_u] why can’t someone honour their dog by using their dogs name and go with S.ebastian K0da!

I think it’s absolutely fine and a lovely thought. Your dog [name_u]Koda[/name_u] sounds like a big part of your and your husband’s relationship and I think that’s worth celebrating. If I met you and heard the story, it would melt my heart because it’s so lovely and [name_u]Koda[/name_u] sounds like such a special dog. :heart:

Besides, it’s not as if you’re giving your son a middle name like Fido or Fluffy - [name_u]Koda[/name_u] is established a first name, and it sounds great as a middle name to [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m].


I won’t to live this. I am thinking I would go a little less literal with the honor if it were me.


I think it would be fine :heart: Dogs and pets in general are an important part of our lives, they can be as meaningful to us as the people in their lives. I think it would be a kind of fun story to share - you know one of those things when you have to share a weird/interesting fact about you - this would be perfect :slight_smile: In general, I think it’s sweet and meaningful, and it helps that [name_u]Koda[/name_u] feels solid, established and ‘human’ enough that it’s not like naming your kid [name_m]Patch[/name_m], Fido, or [name_m]Bubba[/name_m].

My middle name, Alexis, is technically after my dad’s dog Alex!

I love my middle name and it honestly makes for a pretty cool name story. I’ve never minded that I was named after a dog especially since it meant a lot to my dad.

I think you should go for it - Sebastian Koda is a super cool name. Not everyone knows a person’s middle name and so you’ll probably find that the meaning behind the name doesn’t come up very often. I think it would be the perfect way to honor your sweet pup :two_hearts:

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Did anyone ever say anything like “you’re named after a dog” or how stupid ?

Think it depends on how much people value pets and dogs. I told my mom and she yelled absolutely not and refused to talk to me.

[name_f]My[/name_f] dogs actual name was [name_u]Dakodah[/name_u]. Though we called her kodah - kodah bear.

Otherwise we would pick a random name. Our family names are [name_m]Bernard[/name_m] - my husbands dad changed his name dram [name_m]Barney[/name_m] to that cause he hated [name_m]Barney[/name_m]. [name_f]My[/name_f] moms dads name is [name_m]Edmund[/name_m]- he passed when she was 12

Not that I remember! Some people might have been confused or gone “wow, your dad must have loved his dog”, but honestly no one knew until I brought it up!

I’ve always had dogs and I consider them family members! I think about the ones that I lost almost every day. They were truly special to me and my family. I currently have a dog and my mom says she’s like a daughter to her. For some, this may be really weird, but I really understand your question.
One of my favorite names can be considered a full name for one of my late dog’s name. I actually like the connection! I don’t see any reason to discard it, on the contrary.
I love your story and explanation. If you love the name, use it! Sebastian Koda is a great combination. A beautiful mix created between a classic, sophisticated, charismatic first name and an adventurous, unique and modern middle name.
There’s no way to say how your son will feel about his name. There’s always a change that he will love it or hate it, no matter what name you choose. He may dislike Sebastian and adore Koda, and vice versa. I think that if he grows up with animals, he will understand your love for Dakodah one day.
People are named after brands, cities, artists, colors and characters all the time, for example. Why not a beloved family dog?

i think it’s totally fine!! it sounds like your dog was a big part of your life, so of course you want to honor him! i personally wouldn’t use it as a first name, but a middle name would be great. sebastian koda is stunning :heart:

I feel kinda conflicted- on one hand I don’t want to minimize the importance of animals in our lives, especially with the context you gave for why the name is meaningful to you. Also, it’s a middle name, not a first name, and not something that seems at all out of place on a person.

On the other hand though I could see why someone might feel weird about being named after an animal, and it might be awkward to tell others about it if they ask. I think most people would be understanding if they knew the entire situation, but it doesn’t make it sound any less odd to hear someone say they were named after a dog, if that makes sense?

I definitely don’t think it’s a situation where it’s completely inappropriate, but I guess I’d just be a little cautious? If I were in your shoes I’d maybe choose a similar name I like that’s kind of a nod to the dog but not a full honor, but that’s just me, I wouldn’t judge you for using [name_u]Koda[/name_u].

I think that would be lovely.

Your pup sounds like he was a huge part of your life and your marriage. Honoring all that in a name is so gorgeous. Dogs are such members of the family!!

I feel exactly how you described. I think it depends on the value people give animals on how they would possibly react. People are named “forest, ridge, meadow” so like someone above why not after a soul dog.

Her name was technically dakoda, so I dunno if that helps or not haha but we called her koda, koda bear most of her life.


With this particular name, I myself might do a similar sounding name instead. But as for the act of honoring a beloved pet in this way, I find no issue in it. It’s not an obvious “pet name” choice, and she was obviously a very significant part of y’all’s lives. I don’t think it would cause harm in any way.

I do think other people might comment if the subject comes up, but I don’t think it would very much after the baby is older. [name_m]Even[/name_m] then, I think at worst people would find it an unconventional honor. It’s something that I think many people could grow to understand with a bit of context!

Honestly? I’m not seeing anything wrong with it. It’s not the full name of the dog - as you said her full name was [name_u]Dakoda[/name_u], it’s not only a human sounding name but very well established in the human world, it has great significance to you, and [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] [name_u]Koda[/name_u] is just straight up adorable! I think you should follow your heart. There’s nothing wrong with honoring a pet either, if you ask me, they’re family too! Seeing as it’s the middle name as well, I doubt it’ll get brought up much after the initial announcement, and if it does, you say exactly what you said here to explain the significance of the name in your life!

I think it’s perfectly fine. Chances are that no one will know unless they’re told. [name_m]Sebastian[/name_m] [name_u]Koda[/name_u] is a really nice combo, even without the huge significance the name has to your life. It would be a different story if the name in question was, say, Cupcake. Because Cupcake is not a name that would go over well on a human. But [name_u]Koda[/name_u]? I actually love that name on a human.

I totally get where you’re coming from with this. A couple of years back, one of my family’s cats, [name_u]Milo[/name_u], passed away. He was a sweet intelligent boy and I still miss him a lot. If I ever had a baby boy, one of his middle names would quite possibly be [name_u]Milo[/name_u]. Another cat of mine, Milee, who is Milo’s sister, is well on in her years now. She is… interesting, to say the least, and always has been. But that’s what makes her so special. Back when I lived in an imaginary world where I would be able to handle four kids, one of my imaginary daughters had Milee for a middle name. One of my imaginary son’s middle names was actually after the town I lived in as a little kid, or, more specifically, the house that my early childhood was spent in, not a living being at all.

So yeah, I definitely get it. [name_u]Koda[/name_u] was very special to you and I can tell that from the way you speak of her. It shouldn’t matter that she was a dog. She was more than just a possession or an animal, she was your family. I wouldn’t judge someone for using a name that means a lot to them for any reason.

Sorry for the rambling here🙂. Anyway, I don’t think your son’s middle name being after your dog is a problem. If that’s something you want to do, then go ahead. It’s really no different than naming a kid after a human family member.

I just had to add: [name_m]Steve[/name_m] Irwin’s daughter [name_f]Bindi[/name_f] [name_f]Sue[/name_f] was named after his favorise crocodile (Bindi) and his beloved dog, Sui, who were both featured on The Crocodile [name_u]Hunter[/name_u] with him.

She proudly recounts this on her Instagram all the time, now as an adult with a daughter of her own. I’ve never seen one negative comment about it.

That’s all to say, if [name_m]Steve[/name_m] [name_m]Irwin[/name_m] named his kid after a man-eating reptile, you should totally go for it!!