I need some suggestions for a middle name for Brindy! Thank you!
Really??..just slap me
I have never heard of Brindy but I do know of someone named Brendee. I think it is short for something. What type of a middle name are you looking for?
Brindy [name]Louise[/name]
Brindy [name]Suzette[/name]
Brindy [name]Kathleen[/name]
Brindy [name]June[/name]
Brindy [name]Noelle[/name]
Brindy [name]Lucille[/name]
Brindy [name]Olivia[/name]
Brindy [name]Danielle[/name]
I never post too much in this forum–or anywhere else—but I am intrigued by what this means. I think that it just sounds rude. Is that what your intentions were?
If you notice–this is @mommyoffour’s first post…I could see where she might not consider posting again. I thought that this was supposed to be an “open forum” that is inviting and asking for opinions…not rude.
I have nothing further to add. I just felt like something needed to be said. The name “Brindy” might not be your style–so why comment?
there is a variety of troll infesting this site where people suggest somewhat outrageous or overly tryndee names, and sit back to watch the flames.
A real person, in their inaugural post, would say something like “I’ve got three children, their names are X, our last name sounds like Y. I’m considering Brindy because of A,B and C. I’m worried it wouldn’t work with our surname, what do you think?” etc etc etc.
thank you mhwashburn for your support! this was my very first post on here and is not a troll post. the name Brindy was chosen after months of deliberation. I am due mid February. I do have three other children but don’t think it’s neccisary to post their names. I did not ask for opinions on Brindy, just middle name suggestions, please. thank you!
Also, would prefer a one syllable middle if I can find one I like! thanks!