middle name for isla

hi there!

i’m due in less than 3 weeks and trying to decide on a middle name to go with isla.

my other daughter’s names are:
ella elisabeth
livia grace
sela hope
isla ???

i really like mae. but thought maybe joy since she’ll be a december baby. i really like the idea of love in another language, but can’t come up with any that sound pretty. i would love to hear some suggestions!!!

thank you!

[name]How[/name] about [name]Isla[/name] [name]Faith[/name] or [name]Isla[/name] [name]Joy[/name]? You already have a [name]Grace[/name] and [name]Hope[/name], so it would make a nice set.

I agree! I really like [name]Isla[/name] [name]Joy[/name]. Another name that came to mind was [name]Isla[/name] [name]Rose[/name].

I [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Mae[/name]!!! and I love the suggestion of [name]Rose[/name]! and while I like both [name]Joy[/name] and [name]Faith[/name], personally I would go with a non-virtue name to balance out your sibset. I would go with something classic-feeling to match [name]Elizabeth[/name]. Some suggestions…


Some ‘love’ related names…


Good [name]Luck[/name]!

I totally agree. While [name]Isla[/name] [name]Joy[/name] is a great name, I feel bad for [name]Emma[/name] that she would be the odd one out. I think [name]Isla[/name] [name]Catherine[/name] is a great suggestion…it sounds wonderful, and it is a great match to [name]Emma[/name]'s middle name [name]Elisabeth[/name]. I think the sibset sounds very balanced that way!

I adore your choice! [name]Isla[/name] is beautiful and so are your other girls’ names. First thing that popped into my head was [name]Winter[/name]. I just thought it sounds pretty and well suited to a [name]December[/name] baby. However of you want traditional like [name]Elizabeth[/name] than [name]Caroline[/name] works. Good luck!

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[name_f]My[/name_f] daughter is [name_f]Isla[/name_f] [name_u]Winter[/name_u]- born in [name_u]December[/name_u]. I wanted [name_f]Isla[/name_f] [name_f]Hope[/name_f] or Eams Joy(not relevant, here). I’m just glad she’s an “Isla”! I was not conscious when an admin shoved a paper in her father’s face and demanded to know the name, like 5 minutes after she was born. Clearly, he had no idea this was not SOP and panicked. He wrote down [name_f]Isla[/name_f] [name_u]Winter[/name_u]. I love it, but it could have gone badly. Haha.