Middle name for Kaja?

We’re trying to concieve our second. Picking names is extremely difficult for us because we have very different styles and names are so important to both of us, so this time we are trying to get an early start. For a girl we have finally agreed on [name]Kaja[/name] (pronounced Kie-ah, this is the only spelling that he will go for) but we can’t come up with a middle that we both like. The only thing that we can agree on is that we want it to be uncommon. Big bonus if its an Irish, French or Greek name or if it has a fabulous meaning or has a literature/mythological link.

Names we both kind of like (not love):
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Eve[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] Tesni
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Madigan[/name]

Some of my other favorites but probably wont work as [name]Kaja[/name]'s mn (I like a little spunk): Sunniva, [name]Elodie[/name], [name]Story[/name], [name]Arden[/name], [name]Adair[/name], [name]Lyra[/name], [name]Calla[/name], [name]Teagan[/name], [name]Ireland[/name], [name]Isla[/name], [name]Beatrix[/name], [name]Vivika[/name]
His faves (he likes frills): [name]Brielle[/name], Aubrielle, [name]Aurelie[/name], [name]Persephone[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], [name]Rhiannon[/name]

Neither of us really hates the others choices but neither of us are really satisfied either.

Last name is [name]Norris[/name]. Our other daughter has a 3 syllable firstname and a 1 syllable family middle, the male name we have picked out has the same pattern.

Thanks so much!!

[name]Hi[/name] there! I’m going to state the obvious, which is that with so many Kayas and Kaias in the world, a little [name]Kaja[/name] will be destined to spend a lifetime of correcting people’s pronunciation and spellings of her name. (“No, it’s pronounced [name]Kaya[/name], like with a Y, not a J! No! The J isn’t pronounced like an H!” etc.)

[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Eve[/name]: I have a hard time saying this combo, as [name]Kaja[/name] ends in an A and [name]Eve[/name] begins with a vowel. I have to pause between the names.

[name]Kaja[/name] Tensi: I’ve never seen this name before, and in all honesty, it looks invented.

[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Madigan[/name]: To me, the Irish, masculine [name]Madigan[/name] doesn’t work the exotic and feminine [name]Kaja[/name]. (But that’s just me!) :slight_smile:

I’d stick with something exotic, so here are some French, Greek, Irish, and literary names:

[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Briony[/name] (literature link)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Delaney[/name] (Irish)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Delphinia[/name] (Greek)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name] (not exotic, but it’s French)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Juliette[/name] (ditto, but it won’t sound right with the inevitable Kah-juh pronunciations)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Julienne[/name] (ditto, plus the N will blend with [name]Norris[/name]…I thought I’d include it anyway)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Jessamine[/name] (ditto)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Lucienne[/name] (the N issue)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Leonie[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Lisette[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Marielle[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Marceline[/name] (the N issue)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Maribel[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Marjolaine[/name] (N issue)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Mirabelle[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Marigold[/name] (literary)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Nicolina[/name] (Greek)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Nikoleta[/name] (Greek)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Rosaleen[/name] (Irish…N issue)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Sandrine[/name] (the N issue)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Simone[/name] (the N issue)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Seraphine[/name] (N issue)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Tamsin[/name] (literary)
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Violette[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name] (N issue)

[name]Even[/name] though many of the -n middle names will blend with the N in your last name, I thought I’d include them anyway, as it may not bother you.

I do think your ideas of [name]Kaja[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name] and [name]Kaja[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name] work. :slight_smile:

I think your ideas of [name]Elodie[/name], [name]Isla[/name], [name]Beatrix[/name] ([name]LOVE[/name] [name]Beatrix[/name]!), and [name]Genevieve[/name] are great (prefer them over [name]Kaja[/name], actually) as first names! (I think [name]Aurelie[/name] is pretty, too, but it will be pronounced to sound like “orally,” which sets the stage for “oral” jokes, if you know what I mean.) I also want to mention the [name]Persephone[/name] was also the queen of the underworld, and the name means “murderer.”

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Thanks for your response [name]Jill[/name]! Everything you said about [name]Kaja[/name] has been the same issues I’ve had with it all along. I thought maybe it was just me, maybe I can convince DH to change his mind on this one. Problem is he wants an unusual K name. . .

Tesni isn’t invented its a Welsh name with a great meaning according to behind the name.

I love the suggestions of:
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Briony[/name] - [name]LOVE[/name] [name]Briony[/name]/[name]Bryony[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Delaney[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Genevieve[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Mirabelle[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Rosalie[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Seraphine[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Violette[/name]
[name]Kaja[/name] [name]Vivienne[/name]

I wish I could talk DH into [name]Beatrix[/name] (or [name]Ivy[/name], [name]Isla[/name], [name]Esme[/name] etc) as a fn and K something as a middle. . .

Thanks again!

[name]Hi[/name] again. :slight_smile: I’m sorry about Tesni! I’ve never heard it before, and with the I ending, it had that invented feel.

It must be a K name? Hmm…As you know, there aren’t many that aren’t trendy. What about the Russian [name]Katya[/name]? [name]Katya[/name] is pretty unusual, and I think it’s very elegant.

Have you thought about using C names that have the K sound? I’m guessing you have, but your husband wants a K name. Hmm…

Well, in case he may agree to a C name, here are some fairly unusual ones:

[name]Cordelia[/name] (nn [name]Cora[/name])
[name]Camille[/name] (well, not so unusual, but it’s French)
[name]Calla[/name] (I think you wrote this above…I think it’s so pretty)
[name]Clio[/name]/[name]Cleo[/name] (Greek)
[name]Connolly[/name] (Irish)

Like you, I was thinking how cool it would be to use one of the other names (love [name]Esme[/name], too) up front, while putting the K name in the middle. Hmm…

Best wishes! :slight_smile:

What about [name]Kerensa[/name] for an exotic K name? Or…
Also, I love [name]Katia[/name], as [name]Jill[/name] suggested, and her C names, if those would work.

Good luck!

Thank you for your responses!

DH actually loves [name]Katya[/name]! Yay!

I did some searching and found Katriel and [name]Karys[/name] (I prefer [name]Carys[/name] but he’s not budging with the K theme. . .) that he likes as well.

Thanks again!

[name]Hi[/name] [name]Winter[/name]! Yea!!! I’m so happy he likes [name]Katya[/name], and I’m thrilled that you’re liking it, too!

I love [name]Carys[/name], too, but only spelling [name]Carys[/name]. (When you take a C name and make it a K name, it’s just crossed the line into Trendyville…) I think [name]Katya[/name] is so elegant! :slight_smile:

Best wishes to you! :slight_smile: