I’m trying to help my sister in law. She and my brother have picked the name [name]Keith[/name], but are stuck on a middle name. They want it to start with a B, and their last name is one syllable, so they’re looking for a name with at least two syllables. Right now, they’re thinking [name]Brycen[/name], but neither are really sold on it. They also tend to gravitate more towards classic or popular names than unusual ones.
My first suggestion is to exchange [name]Keith[/name] for [name]Heath[/name] and the combo that I like is [name]Heath[/name] [name]Bennett[/name].
[name]Heath[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] is such a great name, very today and imo very cool.
[name]Keith[/name] is a name that has not yet come back into vogue and in years on forums I have never known anyone who has had [name]Keith[/name] on their list.
First of all, I love the idea of [name]Keith[/name] on a little boy! I met a little [name]Keith[/name] last year in the Kindergarten I worked in, and many people commented on how uncommon, yet familiar and handsome the name was. Here are some [name]Keith[/name]-B combinations that haven’t already been mentioned (B names are difficult!):
I love [name]Keith[/name]! It has been on and off my list a number of times. I really like the suggestions of [name]Keith[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] and [name]Keith[/name] [name]Brennan[/name]. [name]Brycen[/name] isn’t bad, but I would use [name]Bryson[/name]. The other B name I like is [name]Boaz[/name], but that may be too strange for them.
Thanks for all the suggestions! [name]Keith[/name] [name]Bennett[/name] is my personal favorite, and I think it’s growing on them, too. They also like the [name]Bryson[/name] spelling.
[name]Keith[/name] and a B middle name are both to carry on family traditions, so those are kind of non-negotiable.