Middle name help... Arto ... Rupert


My husband and I are planning on starting a family next year. We have decided on Arto for a boy.

I would like to use 2 middle names. Rupert/Albert would be to honour my husbands father - his middle name is Robert. My father is German & 1/2 Russian so thought it would be appropriate to use the German version of Robert - Rupert. Or tuck the Al from my dad’s name onto Robert to make Albert. Also think they are a super cute & handsome names :slight_smile:

My husband and his brother both have W middle initials - William(dh) & Walter(his bro). I thought it would be sweet to continue the tradition. Having a 2 syllable surname - I’d like a 1 or 3 syllable middle to break up the pattern.

Here is my list of contenders:
Willoughby - it’s British and antique :slight_smile:
Wolf / Wolfe- like if for it’s German associations - but feel it’s a bit indie and may date. Tucked in the middle I think it’s pretty cool though
West - Would suit my husbands Western obsession :slight_smile: He likes the name Eastwood for example!
Wetherell - like. Very similar to my fav grandmothers maiden name - Metherell. It doesn’t have a very nice meaning though - hill where castrated sheep live
Wetherby - same meaning as above. A bit of a friendlier sound.
Wythe - a name meaning willow tree dweller

My favourite combinations are: 1. Arto Willoughby Rupert 2. Arto Willoughby Albert 3. Arto Wetherell Rupert & 4. Arto Wolfe Albert

Please let me know what you think or if you have any other suggestions. Thanks.

I like several of your middle options, but I actually think they sound way better in the second place. I love [name]Rupert[/name] with [name]Arto[/name].

For having the W first:

  1. [name]Arto[/name] [name]Willoughby[/name] [name]Rupert[/name]
  2. [name]Arto[/name] [name]Weston[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] – I prefer [name]Weston[/name] here because [name]West[/name] doesn’t flow well
  3. [name]Arto[/name] Wetherby [name]Rupert[/name]

I don’t actually like the flow of any of those though. I really love these next three!

  1. [name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]Wolf[/name]/[name]Wolfe[/name]** – this one is just perfect to me! Very cool and handsome.
  2. [name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]West[/name]
  3. [name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]Willoughby[/name]

Thank you dantea for your suggestions. Keeping the W initial in second place is not a must.

[name]Weston[/name] is a good suggestion. Now that I look at it [name]West[/name] didn’t flow very well in the place I had it.

[name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]Wolfe[/name], [name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]West[/name] & [name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]Willoughby[/name] do have very nice flows :slight_smile:

I completely agree with dantea, I much prefer the sound of [name]Rupert[/name] in the first middle spot. I prefer [name]Rupert[/name] over [name]Albert[/name], plus I think it has stonger ties to [name]Robert[/name].

[name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]West[/name] or [name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]Wolfe[/name] are my favs. [name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]Willoughby[/name] is great too, just a little too long for my taste. All very cool names!

[name]Love[/name] love love [name]Arto[/name] [name]Willoughby[/name] [name]Rupert[/name]!

[name]Arto[/name] [name]Rupert[/name] [name]Wolfe[/name]! I’ve got a huge crush on [name]Rupert[/name], great name!

Thank you ladies! I adore [name]Rupert[/name] too :stuck_out_tongue: