Middle name help for baby Reid?

We’d love something meaning ‘brother’ to symbolize him as the youngest brother and to honor his 3 Uncles (Our brothers.)
I love Achai, I’ve read it’s of Native American origin, meaning ‘brother’ does anyone know if this it true?
If so, what do you think of the name [name]Reid[/name] Achai?

Any other suggestions?
Thanks so much! :slight_smile:

I found Achai to have Jewish/Hebrew origins, not Native American. Apparently ‘achai’ is the Hebrew word for sibling. I think it still works for you though.

[name]Broderick[/name] means brother. [name]Reid[/name] [name]Broderick[/name] sounds pretty good (though I guess it depends on your last name). [name]Reid[/name] is a great name, by the way!

[name]Jermaine[/name] and [name]Joah[/name] also mean brother and could go nicely with [name]Reid[/name].

Adelphus means brother (from a Latin root), and I think [name]Reid[/name] Adelphus has a nice ring to it. Also, did you know that Philadelphus means “brotherly love”? I know it’s a mouthful, but I thought I’d throw it out there.

I love the suggestion of [name]Broderick[/name]. Very handsome!

Best wishes!