A couple of years ago my husband’s brother passed away. His name was [name]James[/name]. Now both myself, and my husband’s sister are pregnant and due in [name]December[/name]. My sister-in-law came up with the idea to give her baby girl the middle name of [name]Jaymes[/name], after their brother. We are also having a girl, and now my husband wants the middle name to also be after his brother. I know [name]James[/name] is not typically a female name (although I heard it can be), but my husband cooperated fully with the middle names of our other children, so I feel obligated to cooperate with him.
I was wondering if there are any opinions on this as a middle name. Also, any suggestions on alternative spelling, but still feminine, other than [name]Jaymes[/name]?
I’m so sorry about your husband losing his brother, and I think it’s lovely to give your baby girl his name.
I’d personally use the authentic spelling, [name]James[/name].
Best wishes to you!
We almost used [name]James[/name] for a middle name for our daughter. [name]James[/name] is my husbands grandmothers maiden name. Anyway I think [name]James[/name] is perfectly acceptable for a girl. I wouldn’t alternate the spelling. Changing the spelling does not change the way you say it. You could go with [name]Jane[/name]. It is close to [name]James[/name] but not the same.
I really like that idea, especially with a girly first name.
I like [name]James[/name] for her middle name too. I think the spelling is a more authentic way of honoring your husband’s brother, and besides that it sounds dashing and literary. Let us know what her first name will be sometime. Is it [name]Alice[/name]?
I have a list of first names going on another post. But for right now they are [name]Anissa[/name], [name]Cadence[/name], [name]Nayeli[/name], [name]Nevaeh[/name], [name]Misty[/name], and [name]Sarina[/name].
Everyone else… thank you for reassuring me!!! I really was a little hesitant about this as a middle name, but I’m starting to see its not so bad.
I prefer the more traditional spelling “[name]James[/name]” to “[name]Jaymes[/name].”
[name]How[/name] about [name]Jameson[/name]?
I think it is a beautiful idea but have you considered using [name]Jamie[/name]/jaymie/[name]Jaime[/name]? It sounds more feminine but would still honour their Uncle [name]James[/name].
I love the name [name]James[/name] for a girl, and would also use the original spelling.
I actually like the name [name]Jameson[/name] for a girl - have you considered this as a middle name option?
I like Jlm’s suggestion of [name]Jameson[/name]. I think [name]James[/name] is fine as a mn for a girl. My sisters dad was named [name]James[/name] (we have different dads) and she is going to use [name]James[/name] as a middle name if/when she has a little girl. It has a similar sound to [name]Jane[/name] and I think would make a good alternative to [name]Jane[/name] as a mn.
what about [name]Jaimes[/name]… J’aime… I love you.
It’s so touching that you want to honor your husband’s brother!
But people (including myself!) may resent you for ruining a classic, well-loved boys name by throwing it over to the girl’s camp.
[name]Jamie[/name] is very nice. [name]Jane[/name] is nice, and sounds similar.
You also have the option of [name]Jacqueline[/name] (It comes from [name]Jacob[/name], which [name]James[/name] is derived from).
As you would be using it as a middle name, I can’t see it being a problem at all. [name]James[/name] is quite a soft boys’ name, and so could be carried off, for a good reason (as you have), as a girls’ mn - and this is coming from someone who despises masculine girls’ names!
I personally am not so fond of [name]Jamie[/name], or any alternative spellings like [name]Jaymes[/name]; I say leave it as it is.
I tried getting my husband to go with [name]Jamie[/name], or [name]Jameson[/name], or something else besides [name]James[/name], but he is set on [name]James[/name]. He says [name]Jamie[/name] or [name]Jameson[/name] (or [name]Jane[/name]) was not his name. Maybe we’ll spell it [name]James[/name] instead since my sis in law is spelling it [name]Jaymes[/name].
Thanks again everyone!
I think [name]James[/name] is fine for a girl, especially since it has an important meaning for you. I also second bebe’s suggestion of [name]Jaime[/name], pronounced just like [name]James[/name] but without the ‘s’, another way to think of it is like [name]Jane[/name] but with an ‘m’. Have you considered [name]Jamie[/name]?
I definitely like the traditional spelling–[name]James[/name]–much better. It’s great that you’re honoring your husband’s brother. It’s too bad your husband won’t go with any variations, but what about [name]Jay[/name]? [name]Just[/name] a thought. Anyway, I agree that if you use the mn [name]James[/name], you need a very feminine first name, no unisex. Good luck!
From looking at the other post I think you’re considering [name]Roslyn[/name] (or [name]Rozlyn[/name]) now? I think [name]Roslyn[/name] [name]James[/name] would be lovely.
I really like the name [name]Jaymes[/name], I can see it with a girly name like [name]Mariah[/name] [name]Jaymes[/name] or [name]Mackenzie[/name] [name]Jaymes[/name]. If you want a more feminine twist on it, I can see [name]Jaime[/name], as an alternate to [name]Jaymes[/name].
I’m terribly sorry about your husband’s brother:( Good luck to all!
[name]James[/name] could work as either a first or a middle. [name]Jamie[/name] is always a close alternative as well.