What are more “formal” ways in getting to the nn [name]Missy[/name]? I know the classics would be [name]Melissa[/name] and [name]Marissa[/name], but they are far too dated for my taste. Anything more modern to get to the funky fun, & fabulously spunk filled [name]Missy[/name]?
I think [name]Missy[/name] stands great on its own and although some might disagree, I think it ages well, not just a nickname for a little girl. Full names for nn [name]Missy[/name]? What about Misa (prn like [name]Lisa[/name]) maybe [name]Millicent[/name]? [name]Artemis[/name]? [name]Hope[/name] I helped some.
I agree that [name]Missy[/name] could stand alone, especially with the recent popularity of the Olympic swimmer [name]Missy[/name] [name]Franklin[/name]. I like the idea of [name]Artemis[/name] as a full name.
I think [name]Missy[/name] can work on its own too, but wonder how well it ages on a person. As an aside, all the [name]Melissa[/name]'s I know who had the nn [name]Missy[/name] hated it.
I don’t like just [name]Missy[/name]. To me it’s just a nickname. I think [name]Marisol[/name] nn [name]Missy[/name] is a sophisticated way to get to a fun & girlish nickname.
I like the suggestion of [name]Marisol[/name]. I looked it up and I read that people named [name]Michelle[/name], [name]Marie[/name]/[name]Mary[/name], [name]Mathilde[/name]/[name]Matilda[/name] were all called [name]Missy[/name].
@tay2thestars yes! It’s [name]Missy[/name] [name]Franklin[/name] that finally got me to realize how much i really do like [name]Missy[/name] as a (nick)name. Though her full name is actually [name]Melissa[/name] [name]Franklin[/name].
@danshamaya [name]Millicent[/name] would be pretty fun nn [name]Missy[/name] wouldnt it?! But My sons name is [name]Miller[/name], so i think that is too close for my liking.
@taz [name]Marisol[/name] is very pretty! Not sure i’m “in love” though.
@encore I wouldn’t mind [name]Matilda[/name] nn [name]Missy[/name], but i think she would also inevitably be called [name]Mattie[/name] too.
I think it could also work for fellow berry’s (@frenchie) Mazarine. Fun name, but not the perfect match for us!
[name]Missy[/name] is a nickname to me, my suggestions:
[name]Melissa[/name] - It’s my sister’s name and I don’t think it’s dated
Some not as obvious, but I think any mi- name can be turned into missy
Yes! @teacherma i was just thinking that [name]Mavis[/name] could work! [name]Mavis[/name] nn [name]Missy[/name], hmmmm kind of digging that. [name]Rigby[/name], [name]Miller[/name], [name]Wren[/name], [name]Eloise[/name] & [name]Mavis[/name]. [name]Rig[/name], [name]Mills[/name], [name]Birdie[/name], [name]Lola[/name] & [name]Missy[/name]. [name]Memphis[/name] nn [name]Missy[/name] is also super adorable, though not for us. I hope somebody else uses her though!
[name]Misha[/name] is also a good call, @taz & @ohiom. I like her meaning, and that an alternate nn could be [name]Bear[/name]. But with our other bubs, ([name]Rigby[/name], [name]Miller[/name], [name]Wren[/name] & [name]Eloise[/name]) she doesn’t quite fit.
Now if only i could get over my “thing” for not liking siblings to have matching initials…
[name]Do[/name] you think [name]Miller[/name] nn [name]Mills[/name], would be too close to [name]Mavis[/name] nn [name]Missy[/name], or ______ nn [name]Missy[/name]?