Mo vs Moe

We have named our son [name]Amos[/name] [name]Emmanuel[/name] and are calling him ‘[name]Mo[/name]’ but haven’t been writing it yet! Which version do you prefer and why?

I prefer [name]Mo[/name].

[name]Mo[/name] - short, simple & is a more direct shortened form of [name]Amos[/name] :slight_smile:

I like [name]Mo[/name]. For some reason I prefer [name]Moe[/name] on a girl (crazy, right?). Besides, [name]Mo[/name] makes more sense as a nn for [name]Amos[/name] (great name, btw!)

Doesn’t seem to matter much, since NN’s are usually spoken things rather than written things, but I think [name]Mo[/name] makes more sense if I was to spell it out as a NN for [name]Amos[/name]. ‘[name]Mo[/name]’ is right in there. And with a MN that starts with ‘E’, [name]Moe[/name] almost looks like it should be [name]MoE[/name] (mo-ee).
[name]Amos[/name] [name]Emmanuel[/name] is awesome by the way. I actually prefer [name]Amos[/name] without a middle name myself.

I prefer [name]Mo[/name]! [name]Moe[/name] reminds me of a Japanese girl name.