Monroe for a girl

What do you think?

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I much prefer it on a boy, but it works fine on a girl. Surname names on girls are trending, and it reminds people of [name_f]Marilyn[/name_f]

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It’s not my usual style, but I dig it as a mn!

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Monroe has understated glamour

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What do you think about it as a sister to [name_f]Aurora[/name_f]?

I don’t know that [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] and [name_u]Monroe[/name_u] go stylistically for me. [name_f]Aurora[/name_f] is girly and princessy, and [name_u]Monroe[/name_u] is unisex and tomboyish.

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I prefer it on a boy.

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I like it, but I prefer it on a boy. Nice name, though!

Sisters named Aurora and Monroe seem very mismatched to me & like a lot of vowels for one sibset. Neither is a reason for not using both names, though, more so just personal preference.

Totally usable.