I recently came across with the name [name]Montserrat[/name] and I immediately love it
What do you think about this name?
[name]Do[/name] you prefer it as a first or middle name?
What do you think of the combo [name]Amabel[/name] [name]Montserrat[/name]?
Monster rat.
I agree with you the name has a beautiful sound, but I look at it and all I see is Monster rat. Sorry. It’s definitely not first-name material… middle name, if at all.
This was exactly what I was going to put! It’s definitely not my style at all.
I think of the singer.
Agreed with PPs. Monster Rat- that’s not a good association. My immediate thought was of the island; the one that got mostly destroyed by the Soufriere Hills eruption. If it absolutely has to be used, it should only be in the middle spot
Yerp. Poor [name]Montserrat[/name] I remember learning about that in Geography. There is an actress [name]Montserrat[/name] Lombard who was in ‘Ashes to Ashes’ but I really don’t like it as a name.
I’ve always liked the look of [name]Montserrat[/name], but felt it was unusable. The “monster rat” thing never came to me, but I do think of [name]Julian[/name] Serrat from the (short lived!) TV show Last Resort–he was kind of awful, so that mixed with “monster rat” gives it a pretty negative image. I definitely wouldn’t use it for a FN, but maybe with the right FN it could work as a MN?
It is terrible.
If you love it, use it, but I recommend the middle only!
[name]Montserrat[/name] is my youngest sister’s name. She hates it. She calls herself Monster Rat and always yells at our dad for giving her a name that ends in rat. She’s 13, so I find it all rather amusing (if it wasn’t her name it would be something else) but she has a point. We call her Monse (we’re Spanish speakers, so Monse is rather pretty), and nothing else. I happen to think the name sounds gorgeous in Spanish, which is probably why dad chose it. He doesn’t speak fluent English and probably never even noticed the Monster Rat sound.
I was wondering how it would be pronounced in Spanish? I imagine it would make the name a heck of a lot nicer?
It sounds something like Mohn-seh-rrat. You have to trill the r. It’s a beautiful name in Spanish, but unfortunately it loses a lot of its prettiness when pronounced with an English accent.
It is quite common in Mexico and it does sound pretty in Spanish, but I have to agree with everyone that it doesn’t sound so good in English.
Exactly what I thought. If you need to use it, put it in the middle!
I know a teenager named [name]Montserrat[/name]! She goes by Monse, but also goes by the full [name]Montserrat[/name]. But then again, just like previous posters have said, she is a Spanish speaker, so the name sounds rather pretty
The T is silent and it sounds absolutely nothing like ‘monster rat’ when spoken aloud, but alas, it’s hard to get by that when written.
I think it’s beautiful and very evocative-- like others, I think of [name]Montserrat[/name] Caballe-- but even the literal meaning (“jagged mountain”) is a tough sell.
@redwoodfey how interesting to have an [name]Erica[/name] and a [name]Montserrat[/name] in the same family!
No it isn’t! There’s a t there.
I think monster rat too, by the way, but it’s gorgeous in Catalan. If you live in Catalonia I think it’s a lovely choice.
We also have a [name]Christopher[/name], [name]Carolina[/name], [name]Clarissa[/name], [name]Marcus[/name], and a [name]Diego[/name]! Most of us don’t share the same set of parents, though. [name]Christopher[/name] and I share the same mother and father, [name]Clarissa[/name] and [name]Marcus[/name] share the same mother and father, and Monse and [name]Diego[/name] share the same mother and father. Otherwise we’re all connected by only one parent or another. I’m the eldest at 31 and [name]Diego[/name] is the baby at… 9? So there’s a big gap in there.
I was named for my mother’s cousin, [name]Christopher[/name] was a [name]Christmas[/name] baby (as well as being the son of [name]Christine[/name]). [name]Carolina[/name] was named by her mother I believe. [name]Clarissa[/name] and [name]Marcus[/name] by my stepfather. Monse was named by my biological father, and [name]Diego[/name] by his current wife. So many different eras and tastes! It makes for a fun family. I always find it funny that we have three C names, but they were all named by different people.