[name_f]Do[/name_f] you prefer [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] for a boy or a girl?
I don’t particularly like the name for either gender so I don’t have a preference. However, on first glance I would say girl.
[name_u]Love[/name_u] love love it on a boy. For girls, I prefer [name_f]Morgana[/name_f].
I think it works well enough either way. I’m not big on the name myself, though I do prefer to see [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] on a boy and [name_f]Morgana[/name_f] (which I like a lot) for a girl.
[name_u]Morgan[/name_u] is very masculine to me, whereas [name_f]Morgana[/name_f] and [name_f]Megan[/name_f] feel feminine.
I prefer it on a girl, because I associate it with [name_f]Morgana[/name_f] and [name_f]Megan[/name_f]. I can see it working on a boy, though.
I prefer it on a boy. It sounds masculine to me and the only Morgans I’ve known or heard of are male.
Like [name_u]Sage[/name_u], [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] is one of the truly unisex to me. I like the name either way. If I were looking at a resume and had no middle name to help me out… I would guess girl.
I kind of agree with rainydaygarden… it seems very very unisex to me. I especially love it for a girl though because it has a certain strength, but preserves some femininity.
I’m not a fan of [name_u]Morgan[/name_u], but it’s definitely more masculine to me.
Definitely boy - I only know one person with this name and he’s a very manly guy, real good looking too, so it’s hard for me to imagine it on a girl.
I hate [name_u]Morgan[/name_u], it’s a cousins name.
[name_f]Morgana[/name_f] is nice.
[name_u]Morgan[/name_u]'s all boy to me. For a girl I prefer (and love!) [name_f]Morgana[/name_f].
I’ve known both boys and girls with this name and I didn’t like either! [name_m]Even[/name_m] the girl who wore it was slightly boyish. I dont see it as a very feminine name at all so I would say boy, but even then I wouldn’t ever use it!
I only know one person called [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] and he’s a boy (with a sister called [name_f]Celia[/name_f], which I always found to be such a beautiful name as a child). I prefer [name_f]Morgana[/name_f] on a girl, it sounds so ethereal but still strong.
[name_u]Morgan[/name_u] on a boy I find so charming and endearing. [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] on a girl I loathe. I feel it’s masculine (not boyish - which I like on girls) heavy, clunky and just not very flattering. It probably doesn’t help that every [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] I have know that was female was rather masculine with a not so great personality.
I agree with pps that it feels almost entirely unisex to me. I’ve known more female than male Morgans but I wouldn’t assume either way. It’s not my style but I prefer it on a girl because of the legend, although I like it fine for a boy too.
The only [name_u]Morgan[/name_u] I know is a girl, so this sounds perfectly acceptable to me. I would use it on a boy though, just because I think it sounds dead handsome
I’m not a fan of the name [name_u]Morgan[/name_u], but it’s all boy to me.
I’ve only known girls with this name. It could still work on a boy though.