
is it too religious or too hard to wear?

I am not a religious person but I love [name]Moses[/name], do you think that it has too much or a relgious connection?

Also what nn would you give [name]Moses[/name]?

I was a huge fan of [name]Moses[/name] for a while. Personally I like the name. You could call him [name]Mo[/name]…I’m not the best with nn though. What would you use for a middle name?

For nn I was think [name]Moss[/name]?

Middle names, maybe somethink with veryy little religious connection…:

[name]Moses[/name] [name]Jasper[/name]
[name]Moses[/name] [name]Patrick[/name]
[name]Moses[/name] [name]Arlo[/name]
[name]Moses[/name] [name]Atticus[/name]


Yes, yes, and yes. Great name, but I don’t find it very usable.

I think [name]Moses[/name] [name]Arlo[/name] is a totally adorable name. :slight_smile:

I like the name [name]Moses[/name]. Being a religious person I would think of [name]Moses[/name] from the Bible when I heard to name for the first few times though but I think that would pass. That being said I think it’s totally wearable :slight_smile:

I would think religious, but my first connection would be the [name]Moses[/name] song from singing in the rain. But that’s just me. :slight_smile:
I also like [name]Moses[/name] [name]Arlo[/name]

I deffinitely think it has a relgious connection. I love this name, but I am religious. I would call him [name]Moses[/name], but [name]Moe[/name] is a good nickname.

I agree! This is adorable!

It’s definitely a religious name and I would assume the parents who named their child [name]Moses[/name] must be very religious. [name]Moses[/name] is such a big figure in Christianity, he’s one of the few biblical people children actually know and remember because he built a huge ark and filled it with animals.

Personally I think it’s a heavy name to burden a child with, but that’s just me.

i think it’s usable. And nice sounding. It does sound religious, but that’s okay - people will figure out whether or not you used it for religious reasons. And catloverd - I think you’re thinking of [name]Noah[/name]!

lol, same here.

It’s definitely a religious connotation, but not any more than [name]Abraham[/name] or [name]Jonah[/name] or [name]Noah[/name], imo, even though it’s less common.

You’re thinking of [name]Noah[/name]. Not to make an example of you, but I think the fact that you confused these stories illustrates that in popular culture even towering biblical figures like [name]Moses[/name] or [name]Noah[/name] only make a faint impression.

[name]Moses[/name] is even more important in Judaism, where you meet thousands of little [name]Moshe[/name]-s, and in Islam where you’ll encounter loads of [name]Mousa[/name]-s. [name]Moses[/name] is definitely an important figure in the ‘Abrahamic world,’ but I think his name is still ripe for appropriation even if you don’t follow one of those faiths.

All of that very much depends on who you are and where your family lives. As you’re 15, you’re a ways away from settling down and having kids, but if you live in a hipster haven, it’ll work. If you’re in the Bible belt, your little [name]Moses[/name] will spend most of his adolescence staving off assumptions about your family and its religiosity.

I met a baby [name]Moses[/name] just yesterday and I think it is an awesome name - all the little Noahs get along just fine with an Old Testament name so I think [name]Moses[/name] would too. Mind you, I really like [name]Abraham[/name] as well so I obviously would have gone down a storm around 4000BC

I met a baby [name]Moses[/name] just yesterday and I think it is an awesome name - all the little Noahs get along just fine with an Old Testament name so I think [name]Moses[/name] would too. Mind you, I really like [name]Abraham[/name] as well so I obviously would have gone down a storm in baby naming circles around 4000BC.

I know probably 25 men with [name]Moshe[/name] at least somewhere in either their legal or religious-use-only name.

If I had been a boy I was going to be named [name]John[/name] [name]Moses[/name]. My brother has it buried in his Hebrew name - I say buried because he has 3 Hebrew names and he uses one that is more distinct - [name]Moshe[/name] being rather lost-in-the-crowd.

[name]Moses[/name] never built an Ark. He was the one in [name]Prince[/name] of [name]Egypt[/name], though. With the “red” sea.

It’s not my favourite Biblical name. But not my least favourite. I’d find [name]Micah[/name]/[name]Malachi[/name]/[name]Mordecai[/name] more interesting. But it’s not bad. [name]Mo[/name]/[name]Moe[/name] is really terrible though I had an Uncle [name]Moe[/name] who was cool as hell and like a hundred years old which is the only excuse for that. :wink: