"Most Hated Baby Names"?

So I just came across this article on another mom site and I dunno if it’s been discussed already on here or not but I found it interesting. It’s a list of the 10 most hated boys and girls names. The results:

[name]Nevaeh[/name] ("heaven" spelled backward and one of the most divisive names around, according to the poll)
[name]Destiny[/name] (people dislike names that confer a virtue onto a child -- and many associated this name with exotic dancers)
[name]Addison[/name] (an example of a masculine named turned feminine, which many people dislike)
[name]Gertrude[/name] (people said this name is "ugly")
[name]Kaitlyn[/name] (for its "made-up" spelling)
[name]Bertha[/name] (author's note: duh!)


[name]Kaden[/name] (these rhyming names struck many as overdone)
[name]Hunter[/name] (too much like a last name or "too violent")
[name]Bentley[/name] (people dislike brand-name names, calling them "trashy")
[name]Michael[/name] (too boring, according to some)

So i’m just curious what you guys think about the lists? I agree with a lot of them but not every one. To see the full article (it’s got some interesting insights): The Most Hated Baby Names in America | Live Science
~ [name]Christine[/name]

I don’t know…what is the source of the info? Is it the blogger’s opinion? All of these names are pretty popular so some one must like them. I think some of them are going to date the kid in the same way that the Ashleys and the Jennifers and the Jasons of the world are dated.

That being said…

[name]Nevaeh[/name]- I don’t like this one because of the made up aspect, but I would never tell anyone other than on nameberry that I disliked it. Plus, who says that no one can come up with new names. In 60 years when the little Nevaehs are grandmothers, maybe it will feel vintage and fresh.
[name]Destiny[/name] - Hmmm…not a fan of this virtue name, but I like the idea of a little [name]Patience[/name] or a [name]Prudence[/name]
[name]Madison[/name] - I don’t dislike it. I think it will be dated eventually.
[name]Mackenzie[/name] - ditto
[name]McKenna[/name] - ditto
[name]Addison[/name] - ditto I don’t think of this as a masculine name and never have. I’ve read some posts where posters get hung up on the -son thing. I respectfully disagree because lots of women carry these names as last names anyway.
[name]Gertrude[/name] - I’m not a fan, but I think the nickname [name]Trudy[/name] is cute. I will never ever name my kid this but I might name a character.
[name]Kaitlyn[/name] - I don’t mind it. Who said naming is dead?
[name]Makayla[/name] - I don’t like it but only because I’ve known some bratty kids named this. If I were to use it, I would use the classic spelling of “[name]Michaela[/name]”
[name]Bertha[/name] - Okay, I know a very nice [name]Bertha[/name], but I wouldn’t use it myself.

[name]Jayden[/name] - see what I said about [name]Madison[/name]
[name]Brayden[/name] - ditto
[name]Aiden[/name] - ditto
[name]Kaden[/name] - ditto
[name]Hunter[/name] - I guess if you don’t like hunters, it could be perceived as “too violent.” That being said, I like it. It feels like a good boys name to me and I like last names as first names so I’m cool with it and it is my nephew’s name. He’s [name]William[/name] [name]Hunter[/name] P
[name]Hayden[/name] - see what I said about [name]Madison[/name]
[name]Bentley[/name] - I’m not fond of this one
[name]Tristan[/name] - I like this one a lot. It is a nice classic name from literature.
[name]Michael[/name] - dated and overused, but could be a nice name to use for a kid in 20 years.
[name]Jackson[/name] - I like this one, but it is a bit popular.

I must say I agree with most names on this list. I wouldn’t use any names on this list, but [name]Tristan[/name] isn’t bad. [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Jackson[/name] (funny when I put them together like that) I don’t hate, but I don’t particularly like them either. I am so with them on the [name]Jayden[/name], [name]Kaden[/name], [name]Brayden[/name] etc. as well as [name]Madison[/name], [name]McKenna[/name], [name]Nevaeh[/name], [name]Destiny[/name], [name]Gertrude[/name], and [name]Bertha[/name].

I think the original post of this list was on babynamewizard.com. Wattenberg claimed to have gone through hundreds of posts on various naming sites, and catalogued names with the most negative feedback. She is known to be pretty scientific in her methods, so I’d say this list is pretty accurate of the overall feeling towards certain names. I think she referred to some subgroups of names that tended to garner ‘hatred,’ such as “Mc-” names, the [name]Aiden[/name] rhymers, and boys names on girls. I think those trends are fairly roundly disliked on this board, at least. I’d say that I pretty much agree with most, if not all, of the list.
Before people get offended, she did qualify the list by saying that many of these names are equally as loved as they are hated.

Here’s my personal list (sorry if I offend anyone… this is just MY opinion and a lot of it is based on my experience with people with these names) I’m also going to leave out the obvious ([name]Bertha[/name], [name]Helga[/name], [name]Gretchen[/name]… those are just obvious)

  1. [name]Sarah[/name] - I find this name so boring and “safe”. Sounds like people who didn’t have a clue what to name their kid and decided to go with “whatever” when I hear this name.

  2. [name]Ramona[/name] - it sounds like a very unattractive girl. I feel the same with [name]Rhonda[/name].

  3. [name]Maggie[/name] - sounds like a sucky girl to me

  4. [name]Pippa[/name] - ok, I know [name]Pippa[/name] Middleton is a BEAUTIFUL girl, but come on! [name]Pippa[/name] sounds like the name of a pet plus my Swedish friend says is means something similar to “shagging” in [name]Sweden[/name].

  5. [name]Beatrix[/name] - hate the nicknames [name]Bea[/name] and [name]Trixie[/name]

  6. [name]Hannah[/name] - never liked this name and dislike it even more because of [name]Hannah[/name] [name]Montana[/name]

  7. [name]Zoe[/name] - reminds me of the monster on [name]Sesame[/name] [name]Street[/name] and I can’t visualize a grown up woman with this name. I feel the same about the name [name]Chloe[/name].

  8. [name]Camila[/name] - I can’t even tell you exactly what it is, I just dislike it very much

  9. [name]Madison[/name], [name]Madeline[/name] - anything that gives you the nn [name]Maddy[/name] is pretty awful.

  10. [name]Angelina[/name] - sounds like a snobby girl and reminds me of [name]Angelina[/name] [name]Jolie[/name] whom I can’t stand

  11. [name]Max[/name] - are we naming children or pets?

  12. [name]Aiden[/name] - so overused! Sounds feminine

  13. [name]Callum[/name] - sounds like Gollum from [name]Lord[/name] of the Rings

  14. [name]Brody[/name] - sounds like a kid that would be a brat

  15. [name]Hunter[/name] - I totally agree with people saying it sounds violent

  16. [name]Cameron[/name] - I’m into the meaning of names and this name means crooked nose.

  17. [name]Blade[/name] - again too violent

  18. [name]Mason[/name] - I never liked this name any way, but then I met a very annoying, kid with this name.

  19. [name]Russell[/name] - never liked it because it sounds like “wrestle”, and because it’s the name of a psycho path that just went to jail for murder and rape a few hours away from my city.

  20. [name]Bodhi[/name] - I REALLY don’t understand the appeal with this name. It’s sounds like the parents are trying too hard to be “hip”.

Yes, I realize anyone can find something wrong with any name if you think about it enough, but I really dislike the names listed. I’m sure there are [name]WAY[/name] worse names out there, but these are the ones I can think of of the top of my head. Again, it’s my opinion and I’m not trying to be offensive.

What names do YOU dislike?

I have pretty specific name tastes which leads to many pet-peeves:

  • [name]Max[/name], [name]Alex[/name], [name]Ned[/name], [name]Cole[/name], [name]Leo[/name]: Too short! I prefer to give the option to use a more formal name ([name]Alexander[/name] or [name]Maxime[/name], [name]Maximilian[/name], [name]Maximus[/name])
  • [name]Maggie[/name], [name]Poppy[/name], [name]Lily[/name], [name]Carly[/name], [name]Molly[/name], [name]Kelsey[/name], [name]Jamie[/name], [name]Casey[/name] [name]Brady[/name], [name]Sydney[/name], [name]Freddie[/name], [name]Brody[/name]: Cutesy names, they don’t feel like they have enough substance and I can’t imagine them on adults. A lot of them remind me of pet names.
  • Lyne, [name]Lise[/name], [name]Ruth[/name], [name]Joan[/name]: Old lady names
  • [name]Debbie[/name]: My own middle name… It has a very 70s feel to me.
  • [name]Yvette[/name], [name]Pierette[/name], [name]Ginette[/name], [name]Colette[/name]: More old lady names (my aunts’ names)… Anything finishing in “ette” (except for [name]Juliette[/name])

Of the original list:

[name]Nevaeh[/name] and [name]Destiny[/name]: I cringe!
[name]Madison[/name], [name]Mackenzie[/name], [name]McKenna[/name], [name]Addison[/name]: I don’t have a problem with either of these, although I would never use them. I even prefer the “-son” ending on a girl over “-er” (like [name]Harper[/name]).
[name]Gertrude[/name]: Agree that this is a bit of an ugly name. There’s a popular French series about a substitute teacher with a pet rock named “[name]Gertrude[/name]”
[name]Kaitlyn[/name] and [name]Makayla[/name]: Would never use it… It’s so similar to many other names, so many alternative spellings.
[name]Bertha[/name]: Agreed, ugly.

[name]Jayden[/name], [name]Brayden[/name], [name]Aiden[/name], [name]Kaden[/name], [name]Hayden[/name]: Urgh, same problem as [name]Kaitlyn[/name]. Unoriginal and I think you would often end up having your name mispelt.
[name]Hunter[/name]: Agreed with the violent connotation… Reminds me of [name]Brandon[/name] Flowers’ son [name]Gunner[/name]
[name]Bentley[/name]: As far as brand-names go, this isn’t so awful, but the Teen Mom reference does it no favours.
[name]Tristan[/name]: [name]Don[/name]'t see any problem with this one.
[name]Michael[/name]: Same category as [name]David[/name], [name]George[/name], [name]John[/name]… solid, but boring
[name]Jackson[/name]: I like it! Reminds me of [name]Jackson[/name] Duggar, he’s adorable! But I can see that some people might avoid it, as it brings up a Southern connotation.

I pretty much agree with that list, although I don’t dislike [name]Bertha[/name] and [name]Gertrude[/name] because they are “ugly sounding” but rather because I can’t imagine a younger person with this name, and I’d rather not have to put my child through that kind of teasing. (yes, teasing as a whole is a given, but I’d like to avoid the major teasing issues if at all possible)

@justicemifsud: I really don’t like [name]Angelina[/name] either, but the bad association I have with it is professional wrestler [name]Lauren[/name] [name]Williams[/name], better known by her ring name [name]Angelina[/name] [name]Love[/name]. She just looks so fake and plastic-y, and whenever they show her close up… ugh, it’s especially horrible in HD. As to your boys list, I pretty much agree with it, except [name]Russell[/name] which is just okay to me.

Here is my own personal list: (In no particular order. I apologize in advance to fans of these names)

  1. [name]Lila/name/[name]Laila[/name] - when using the LIE-lah pronunciation, I just think it sounds unattractive, like a dim old lazy mule swatting aimlessly at flies buzzing around. So, when I hear people saying things like, “OH! [name]Laila[/name] is such a pretty name!” I can’t help but roll my eyes. The [name]LEE[/name]-lah pronunciation however, I really like.

  2. [name]Iris[/name] - I’ve said it time and time again, but I do not understand the appeal in this name. Yes, part of my reason for disliking it so much has to do with the excessive hype, but it reminds me of that horrible Goo Goo Dolls song by the same name.

  3. [name]Delilah[/name] - kind of the same issue with [name]Lila/name/[name]Laila[/name], but there’s also the promiscuous Biblical figure association. And of course, like [name]Iris[/name] there’s the “annoying song” association, this one being that Plain White Ts song… ugh!

  4. [name]Cecily[/name]/[name]Cecelia[/name] - thanks to the [name]Simon[/name] and Garfunkel song “[name]Cecelia[/name]” (don’t get me wrong, I like the song, but not the girl in the song) I associate this name with cheating tramp types. That and I’ve known a really snobby [name]Cecelia[/name] once.

  5. [name]Arabella[/name] - another snobby girl name, that and it sounds like a disease to me.

  6. [name]Ottilie[/name] - [name]WAY[/name] too frilly! puke I’ll be six feet under before any daughter of mine grows up to be some stuck-up Victorian princess wannabe.

  7. [name]Ava[/name] - that AY sound is so nasal and ugly sounding to me… as if the person with said name is constantly being nagged.

  8. [name]Willow[/name] - as justicemifsud said about Bohdi, it sounds like the parents are trying too hard to be “hip”.

  9. [name]Vanessa[/name] - I’ve been senselessly bullied by too many girls named [name]Vanessa[/name], all of them snobby to boot.

  10. [name]Victoria[/name] - there was only one [name]Victoria[/name] who bullied me, but it still hurts.

  11. [name]Adam/name - I have horrible associations with these names, both of them being the most cocky and egomaniacal people I have ever met.

  12. [name]Gavin[/name] - reminds me of either cockroachs (because of HomeStarRunner.com), the word “galvanize”, or that bratty kid who smarts off to his mom in Simpsons. (a minor character, but still – !)

  13. [name]Jude[/name] - never met one, but it reminds me of the “bleeding heart/starving musician” type. Not attractive at all.

  14. [name]Roger[/name] - not sure why, but I never liked the way it sounded.

  15. [name]Bradley[/name] - sounds like a jerk.

  16. [name]Jeremy[/name] - sounds so wimpy to me.

  17. [name]Isaac[/name] - I can remember a few years ago when moms were running rampant with this name. “I’m choosing [name]Isaac[/name] because it’s so unique!” they’d say, but I have seen it used so much.

  18. [name]Patrick[/name] - another one of those “seen it used too much” names.

  19. [name]Theodore[/name] - I can’t get past the “dumpy kid in grade school who never bathed” association.

  20. [name]Toby[/name] - my brother had a classmate whose surname sounded like [name]Toby[/name] (but the spelling was different) who was basically a real life “Comic Book [name]Guy[/name]”.

Wow, I just had to post again to say I love reading everyone’s lists! It’s just so interesting all of the different things that names can conjure in peoples’ minds you know? Totally different and unique from person to person - and the associations are so strong that they’re unshakeable! Fascinating to me and I love it :slight_smile:
I also agree with quite a few of the names listed… I was bullied a bit in elementary school and those names will ALWAYS be on my hated list…
Anyway, thanks for posting a reply!

~ [name]Christine[/name]

LOL Wow a lot of these names are on my list for most hated, too.

[name]Nevaeh[/name]- absolutely #1 WORST name ever
[name]Madison[/name]/[name]Mackenzie[/name]- Very trendy but do not at all hate them. They are just not for me.
[name]McKenna[/name]- I like this name, but it’s not for me. I know someone with the most adorable little girl named [name]McKenna[/name].
[name]Addison[/name]- reminds me of a porn star lol sorry
[name]Kaitlyn[/name]- I don’t have the best association w/the [name]Caitlin[/name]/Katilyn’s of the world
[name]Makayla[/name]- Hate it, but love [name]Kayla[/name]
[name]Bertha[/name]- Honestly who is using this name??? I don’t hate it but who would use it?


[name]Jayden[/name]/[name]Brayden[/name]/[name]Aiden[/name]/[name]Kaden[/name]/[name]Hayden[/name]- I HATE THESE NAMES! My S/O and I always joke and say [name]Aiden[/name], [name]Jayden[/name], [name]Brayden[/name], [name]Caden[/name], Iron Maiden. They are def not for me. When I wasn’t telling people the name for our baby boy and I said it begins w/A, everyone assumed [name]Aiden[/name]!
[name]Hunter[/name]- reminds me of hunter green
[name]Bentley[/name]- I feel like [name]Bentley[/name] is more of a girls name and I don’t care for it either way.
[name]Tristan[/name]- not for me but don’t hate it
[name]Michael[/name]- def boring but don’t hate it
[name]Jackson[/name]- i love this name, would never use it

PS: i love [name]Michael[/name] [name]Jackson[/name] lol

I would have to say my own list would include
[name]Krystal[/name] on there as well, can’t think of too many others I really dislike right now.

I really dislike “[name]Ainsley[/name]” for the nasally whiny sound of it–it is cringe-inducing to me. Other than that, I pretty much agree with the original list!

I dislike makayla but I do like michaela. It’s all in the spelling.

I read this article as well as her blog comments by others, needless to say there are some upset people, mainly because her title was misleading (she even admits such in her comments as well as editing and adding an explanation) Anyway the reason its misleading is because out of the 1500 mentions of various names, the end result of names most mentioned were for the most part, less then 10 per name…as many on the blog commented and raised the issue that this would actually equal less then one percent…which doesnt constitute it being a most hated name.

I actually know some pretty cool/cute kids with names [name]Addison[/name], [name]Maddison[/name], [name]Mckayla[/name], [name]Nevaeh[/name], [name]Hayden[/name], [name]Michael[/name] and [name]Jackson[/name] so I don’t see these names as bad names at all.
I actually really like [name]Gertrude[/name] and [name]Gretchen[/name] and think they would work well with the popular names of today.
My top ten list is:

  1. [name]Scarlet/name - gag this reminds me of harlot, scarlet woman, scarlet letter and scarlet fever.

  2. [name]Pearl[/name] - when I hear this name I immediately smell moth balls and old ladies.

  3. [name]Sylvia[/name] - just doesn’t seem right for a sweet child.

  4. [name]Veronica[/name] - this name drives me mad, can’t stand the sound.

  5. [name]Iris[/name] - see [name]Pearl[/name].

  6. [name]Lilah[/name] - doesn’t seem like a substantial name.

  7. [name]Esther[/name] - I met a little girl named [name]Esther[/name] and it just didn’t work.

  8. [name]Sasha[/name] - I just don’t like saying this name.

  9. [name]Vivian[/name] - sounds like a parent trying too hard.

  10. Annalies - all I see is anal lies.

  11. [name]Tobias[/name]/[name]Toby[/name] - sounds wimpy, poor boy.

  12. [name]Atlas[/name] - poor child has a lot to live down.

  13. [name]Leo[/name] - short and boring.

  14. [name]Flynn[/name] - sounds like phlegm to me.

  15. [name]Finn[/name] - a part of a fish.

  16. [name]Rory[/name] - sounds like a hot mess.

  17. [name]Tristan[/name] - sounds wimpy.

  18. [name]Preston[/name] - trying too hard.

  19. [name]Brody[/name] - sounds like grody.

  20. [name]Anthony[/name] - I don’t get the popularity of this name at all.

Obviously these are just my oppinions and with the exception of [name]Esther[/name] I would probably change my mind if I met a lovely child with these names.

I usually don’t feel any outright hate for any name I come across. I realize everyone has their own style, likes, and dislikes, but I think it’s just downright disrespectful and mean to start calling certain names ugly or trashy. There are names that I don’t like, but I generally make a point to keep it to myself.
Since we’re in a ‘Most Hated’ thread though, I guess I’ll chime in!

Old school-
There are many old fashioned names I absolutely love such as [name]Josephine[/name], [name]Genevieve[/name], and [name]Norah[/name]. But the ones I dislike are a little too clunky and old-fashioned in a bad way like [name]Prudence[/name], [name]Bertha[/name], [name]Shirley[/name], [name]Hazel[/name], [name]Roger[/name], etc. In my opinion not ALL old names are ready to be revived!

Boys names being used on girls-
I have to say I’m actually a fan, as long as it seems girly enough (to me, at least) and isn’t too out there, like [name]Thomas[/name] or [name]Brian[/name]. I like [name]Addison[/name], [name]Mckenzie[/name], and even [name]Mason[/name]! - though I probably would never use them on my own child, I do think they fit nicely into the gender neutral category.

The [name]Brayden[/name]/[name]Kayden[/name]/[name]Jayden[/name] Fad-
I’ve personally never had a problem with these names. Again, I would not use them for my own kids, but I have nothing rude to say to the people who do. After all, aren’t these names just the new aged [name]Barry[/name], [name]Gerry[/name], [name]Larry[/name], [name]Carrie[/name], [name]Terry[/name], and [name]Mary[/name]'s of the world?

The ‘In’ Crowd-
I’m sure everyone has met an [name]Emma[/name], [name]Emily[/name], [name]Jessica[/name], [name]Brittany[/name], [name]Caitlin[/name] (or several of each!) at least once in their life. To be totally honest, there actually isn’t anything I dislike about theses names other than their popularity factor. I do occasionally get suckered into a naming fad (think [name]Sophia[/name], [name]Liam[/name] and [name]Finn[/name]) but I’m the person that will stay away from those names for the principle of it. [name]Even[/name] if I’m absolutely in love with the name, the fact that thousands of others are too makes it lose a little of its magic for me. For example, growing up I went to school with 8 girls named [name]Brittany[/name] and 6 boys named [name]Cody[/name]! I have a fairly popular name myself, so I would want my child to grow up with a little better sense of identity than I did.

So, there you have it. It turned out a little more like an essay than a list, but its definitely my two cents worth!

@little fern - YES, thank you, I have always HATED [name]Ainsley[/name] for the exact same reason you mentioned. For some reason it also just registers as very southern to me which I also don’t like. I can deal with [name]Ansley[/name] but I’m not wild about it either. Great minds think alike! :slight_smile:

I dislike all the names on both these lists, with the exception of [name]Tristan[/name]… but then again, I’m not keen on the top 10 from the SSA either, I only really like [name]Daniel[/name] and [name]Emily[/name], and the other 9 from each list I either dislike or am neutral on.

My list would have to include…

[name]Ashley[/name]. I had 4 in my 20-child kindergarten class. I can’t do it. Though I did know someone named Aszli once (pronounced the same way) and that was pretty sweet.
The -ailee and -aden names, respectively. Overused and I can’t see an adult with these names.
[name]Tiffany[/name]. [name]Even[/name] worse is when it’s spelled Typhanee or something. Ick, too young.
[name]Brand[/name] names. I’ve known a [name]Porsche[/name] (for some reason [name]Portia[/name]'s okay) and a [name]Bentley[/name] (which is getting more popular) and it just sounds cheap and materialistic to me.

well I love these:
[name]Nevaeh[/name] - I hate it for a girl, but I like it on a boy.
[name]Madison[/name] - love on a boy!
[name]Mackenzie[/name] - boy
[name]Addison[/name] - boy
[name]Gertrude[/name] - middle name usable

[name]Brayden[/name] - girl
[name]Hunter[/name] - girl
[name]Hayden[/name] - both
[name]Michael[/name] - girl
[name]Jackson[/name] - girl

I can’t believe no one else has mentioned [name]Brianna[/name]! I HATE that name. Ditto for [name]Arianna[/name] and anything of that nature. It’s like, let’s just take a random sound and then “anna” to the end of it and make up a name. Gah!

It’s like the name [name]Aiden[/name], which is a perfectly nice name, right? But then people just started to add random letters to it (ie, [name]Jayden[/name], [name]Brayden[/name], [name]Kaden[/name], et.) THEN oooh, let’s get really edgy and change a middle letter! (ie, [name]Kaysen[/name]) or even better, change a middle letter to an L and make it a GIRL’S NAME!!! (ie, [name]Braelin[/name], [name]Jaylen[/name], etc.)
I guess the point is, people should just leave perfectly good names alone!!!

[name]Nevaeh[/name] (“heaven” spelled backward and one of the most divisive names around, according to the poll)
[name]Destiny[/name] (people dislike names that confer a virtue onto a child – and many associated this name with exotic dancers)
[name]Madison[/name]-I don’t care for Mad names it’s an emotion I relate to this trend like Desitny
[name]Mackenzie[/name]-I love this name.
[name]Addison[/name] (an example of a masculine named turned feminine, which many people dislike) I love this name I never knew any boys with the name so I don’t associate that way.
[name]Gertrude[/name] (people said this name is “ugly”)
[name]Kaitlyn[/name] (for its “made-up” spelling) Agreed love [name]Katelyn[/name]:slight_smile:
[name]Makayla[/name] -trendy not nice on a woman
[name]Bertha[/name] (author’s note: duh!)


I agree with the [name]Aiden[/name] trend I am tired of it. The names are not nice and they certianly are not great on a grown man. However I must confese I like [name]Brayden[/name] nn [name]Brady[/name]. I even heard it on [name]Little[/name] House on the [name]Prairie[/name]. Not sure what’s wrong with [name]Michael[/name] it’s a great name. Lastly I agree [name]Jackson[/name] is a surname just use [name]Jack[/name] it’s strong, handsome and masculine don’t make it whimpy by adding son to it.

[name]Kaden[/name] (these rhyming names struck many as overdone)
[name]Hunter[/name] (too much like a last name or “too violent”)
[name]Bentley[/name] (people dislike brand-name names, calling them “trashy”)
[name]Michael[/name] (too boring, according to some)