Welcome! These families live in a small cul-de-sac called Mulberry Street, where kids get together to ride their bikes after school and parents hold a street barbecue on Sunday evenings. Have fun naming them!
Family 1
FN: A classic 90s name
MN: His mother’s maiden name (your choice)
LN: A compound word (e.g. Blackwell)
FN: After a prominent figure in ancient an ancient society (please tell me what it is)
MN: Related to the colour red
LN: The longest surname you’ve heard of
Family 2
LN: Begins with an A and has an obvious nickname
MN: Has a virtuous meaning, but is not a virtue name
LN: Contains a double letter
FN: Four syllables
MN: A name you find ‘frilly’
LN: Patronymic (e.g. Johnson, Ivanovich)
Family 3
FN: French in origin
MN: Arabic in origin
LN: Arabic in origin
DP: (names can be unisex, or you can choose gender)
FN: A name you associate with spring
MN: A name you associate with summer
LN: 3+ syllables
Family 4
FN: Has to do with weather
MN: Popular in the 1970s
LN: Contains the letter G
FN: Double barrelled with a Southern vibe
LN: Is a part of speech (noun, verb, adjective, etc)
Family 5
FN: Classic name that is still common
MN: Classic name that is now uncommon
LN: One syllable
FN: Trendy in early 2000s
MN: What you would name a baby today
LN: Irish
NB: This is the first NTB I’ve made, so feedback is much appreciated! Please let me know what you think of these prompts (are they too easy or too hard), is the format is legible, are the number of families ok… whatever it may be! Thanks for playing
Edit: As there are 10 prompts here rather than the usual one-per-family, feel free to just pick one partner to name per family if you can’t get around to them all.