Musical names - looking for all suggestions!

[name]Hi[/name] Everyone!

Still no name for our baby girl due at the end of [name]January[/name], but my husband has expressed interest in musical names. This weekend, he mentioned that he liked the name [name]Allegretta[/name] for a middle name. I am so happy he suggested a name, but the name is a bit too frilly for my taste. I would love to hear your ideas for musical names!

Thanks so much. :slight_smile:

[name]Allegra[/name] (I think this is similar and much simpler, but so pretty!)
[name]Viola[/name] (I also know of a little girl named Violyn, but I think that’s taking it a bit far…)
[name]Sonata[/name] ([name]LOVE[/name] this name… fairly GPish, but I think it’s so cool)
[name]Symphony[/name] (I know someone who knew a [name]Symphony[/name]… it’s a bit out-there, though)
[name]Carol[/name] (or a longer form, like [name]Caroline[/name] or [name]Carolina[/name])
[name]Lyric[/name]/Lyrica/[name]Lyra[/name] (I’m hesitant about names like [name]Allegra[/name] and Lyrica, though, as they’re medications)

If you really want to get musical, you could do something like [name]Claire[/name] [name]Annette[/name] (clarinet), but I’ve heard a lot of people think [name]Claire[/name] [name]Annette[/name] is kind of cheesy, so it might not be the best idea.

Good luck!

The best:

[name]Aria[/name] - a melody
[name]Allegra[/name] - like [name]Allegro[/name] but prettier
[name]Bell[/name] - ringing
[name]Cadence[/name] - rhythm and beat
[name]Capella[/name] - singing without accompaniment
[name]Celeste[/name] - heavenly
[name]Clarion[/name] - musical name
Chanton - we sing
[name]Lark[/name] - singing bird
Lirit - music
Philyra - love of music
[name]Viola[/name] - instrument

My favourites:

Philyra is super unique and interesting
[name]Viola[/name] gorgeous Shakespearean name
[name]Aria[/name] unique and spunky

I really like a lot of ash’s suggestions. I think [name]Allegra[/name] is much smoother than [name]Allegretta[/name], and I love [name]Aria[/name], [name]Symphony[/name], [name]Cadence[/name], [name]Piper[/name], & [name]Lyric[/name].

There’s also [name]Corisande[/name], which hasn’t been mentioned yet. It’s Greek, meaning ‘chorus singer’.

I like [name]Aria[/name], [name]Cadence[/name], [name]Melody[/name], and [name]Lyra[/name] too. [name]Elody[/name] came up in a different thread I was reading today, and I think it works here too.

I like just [name]Gretta[/name] better than [name]Allegretta[/name].

When I think of musical names, I think of:
[name]Lucia[/name] (di Lammermoor; La [name]Boheme[/name])
[name]Musetta[/name] ( I have a friend named [name]Musetta[/name]. It’s a great name. La [name]Boheme[/name])
[name]Floria[/name] ([name]Tosca[/name])
[name]Renata[/name], [name]Graziella[/name], [name]Mirella[/name], [name]Kiri[/name], [name]Leontyne[/name], and [name]Birgit[/name].

[name]How[/name] bout: [name]Trilby[/name], [name]Rhythm[/name], [name]Jazzy[/name], [name]Viola[/name] (my fave!), [name]Harmonie[/name], Alima, [name]Carmina[/name], [name]Musette[/name], [name]Shira[/name], [name]Philomena[/name], Zimra, [name]Canon[/name], [name]Cadenza[/name], Coda, [name]March[/name], [name]Sonata[/name], Timbre, [name]Celesta[/name], [name]Banjo[/name], Harmonica, Misso, Hymn, [name]Reed[/name], Senza, [name]Vesper[/name]. K that’s all I got!

These maybe a little more out there but…

Sempre (prn. sem-pray)

Good luck!!

Edited for privacy.

Our friends little girl is names [name]Melody[/name] and it’s so nice. [name]Lyric[/name] is one of my favorites.

A friend of mine is [name]Amanda[/name] [name]Lynn[/name] (mandolin). It’s not something that jumps out at you right away, but is subtle :smiley:


Thanks, everyone!

saracita00 and others - do you think we can get around the medicine concern by using [name]Allegra[/name] (or Lyrica) as a middle name?

Also, I love your suggestion of [name]Allegretta[/name] as a middle name with a short first name. Unfortunately, my husband is not inclined towards 1 syllable first names (he has rejected all the ones I have proposed). :eek: [name]Do[/name] you think a 2 syllable first name would be too long?

Dug this up again because I thought of another one that I quite like… Caesura!

My favourite name right now is [name_f]Melody[/name_f], and [name_f]Melody[/name_f] [name_f]Allegretta[/name_f] has a certain ring to it (in my opinion)
I also love [name_f]Cadence[/name_f], [name_f]Lyra[/name_f]/[name_u]Lyric[/name_u] and [name_f]Aria[/name_f], which was actually the name of a piece I played for my musical exams (I loved the piece too!)

What about [name_f]Cecilia[/name_f]? She’s the patron saint of music. Can’t get anymore all-encompassing than that!

Edited for privacy.