[name_m]Hi[/name_m] Berries, I thought I’d make a little topic about [name_f]Marlow[/name_f]. I like all of the spellings I’m aware of –Marlo, [name_f]Marlowe[/name_f] – and like the name on any gender, but love it most as a masculine name so I’ve chosen the boy name category to post in.
What I’m particularly thinking about are the variously proposed meanings of ‘driftwood’ and ‘remnants of a lake’. I feel quite neutrally about them, but I was wondering if they have/anyone can think of a positive interpretation for Marlow’s meaning?
I’m not naming anyone, I’m just a name enthusiastic that ponders these things!
P.S. If anyone has any [name_f]Marlow[/name_f] combos they are fond of, I’d love to hear those too!
[name_m]Just[/name_m] read that back and I’m not sure it’s very clear I can see how driftwood might be quite a sad/lost concept, so I’m wondering if anyone views it more positively. Similarly, ‘lake remnants’ is a bit silty and not an inherently lively concept, so I thought I’d appeal to the Berries’ creativity for alternative perspectives.
Although driftwood can have negative connotations, it also provides lots of shelter for birds, fish, and other aquatic animals while it floats in the ocean and after it washes ashore. Bacteria break it down for nutrients and it goes back into the ocean to provide sustenance for smaller organisms. It can also sometimes be the basis of sand dunes.
I sort of love the concept of sheltering, but also of something seemingly “worthless” being the basis of the food chain and the creation of landforms! A bit of a rebirth concept!
I also found this mythological connection:
“According to Norse mythology, the first humans, Ask and [name_f]Embla[/name_f], were formed out of two pieces of driftwood, an ash and an elm, by the god [name_m]Odin[/name_m] and his brothers, [name_m]Vili[/name_m] and Vé. The Vikings would cast wood into the sea before making landfall. The location of the wood would be an indication as to where to build their mead halls. The wood used would found the high-seat pillars of the new hall.”
I’ve honestly always liked the driftwood meaning - it makes me think of travelling more than being lost !! That kind of feeling you get when something washes ashore, and you wonder how much distance it’s crossed to get here. There’s a bit of mystery and adventure to it! I also see it a bit as related to chance. As in… Out of all the shores in the world, the sea decided to bring you here, to me.
But mainly with both the “driftwood” and “remnants of a lake” meanings, I mostly focus on the general imagery rather than the exact wording! Oceans and lakes, beautiful waves and swimming ducks and seashells.
I like the meaning ‘driftwood’. It’s like, a small piece of treasure washed up on the shore, something that’s travelled and can be taken home as a memory. It can provide a home for sea birds and fish too I think ‘remnants of the lake’ could link to mudlarking, finding treasures and interesting items
I love the name [name_f]Marlowe[/name_f] for a boy because of [name_m]Christopher[/name_m] [name_f]Marlowe[/name_f], the playwright, poet, and contemporary of [name_m]William[/name_m] [name_m]Shakespeare[/name_m]. I know this has nothing to do with the meaning, but it feels like a very poetic and literary name to me because of this association.