My children and their names

My first child is a daughter named [name]Louisa[/name] [name]Elspeth[/name] [name]Virginia[/name]. [name]Louise[/name] is my hubbie’s favorite name. I prefer [name]Louise[/name] but we had a compromise that [name]Louisa[/name] could be her first name if [name]Virginia[/name] could be in the middle. [name]Elspeth[/name] is in honor of my grandmother, [name]Elizabeth[/name].

My second is [name]Malcolm[/name] [name]Alexander[/name] [name]Ian[/name]. [name]Both[/name] me and my husband love [name]Malcolm[/name]. [name]Alexander[/name] is after my husband, that is his first middle name, too. [name]Ian[/name] is a name we both like but not enough to use for a first name.

The third is [name]Linus[/name] [name]Clint[/name] [name]Samuel[/name]. [name]Linus[/name] is a name we considered for [name]Malcolm[/name], but then we realized it didn’t suite him. It suited this baby, though. [name]Clint[/name] is both the name of my dad and the name of my husband’s uncle, not to mention it’s a name both of us love very much! [name]Samuel[/name] is another name that we just both liked.

My fourth, [name]Fable[/name] [name]Annora[/name] [name]Valentine[/name], was rather tricky to name. I loved [name]Fable[/name], my husband didn’t. he wanted to name her [name]Nora[/name] [name]Valentine[/name]. I said [name]Nora[/name] was too old fashioned and [name]Valentine[/name] was cheesy. Slowly, though, [name]Valentine[/name] began to grow on me, and [name]Fable[/name] started growing on my husband. I said no [name]Nora[/name] but I could cope with [name]Annora[/name]. So our second daughter was named.

[name]August[/name] [name]Percival[/name] [name]Darcy[/name] is my fifth. He was born a year ago, so obviously he was named after his birth month. I picked out [name]Darcy[/name], because I love this name, and my husband picked out [name]Percival[/name], his first name. We call him [name]Percy[/name] [name]Jr[/name]. a lot of the time.

And that was how I named my kids! Now I have to go through the process again, my sixth child is on the way…

I love your kids’ names! So cool how you came up with all of them!

love your kids’ names so knightly! lol:)

What lovely names! So elegant, obviously well thought out, creative, unique (but not yooneek), classic, and beautiful!

Such beautiful creativity! When are you due, and what is in the pipeline as of now?