Mythological expertise requested!

I am hoping that one of you knowledgable Berries knows the name for a lion with wings.

I know that a griffin is half eagle, half lion, and I love that name, but I would ESPECIALLY [name_f]LOVE[/name_f] to know the name for just a lion with wings, because my maiden name coat of arms has a lion, and my married name coat of arms has a pair of wings (yes… just wings. No bird, just… wings. Odd, no?). Plus, my mother’s family comes from the greater [name_f]Venezia[/name_f] region in [name_f]Italy[/name_f], and the symbol of that region is… a lion with wings. So, if I could find out what that mythological animal is called, I think it would be a wonderful middle name, that would mean a lot to me.

I am hoping that someone might know something that could help me find the answer…

Thanks so much in advance for your thoughts! : )

p.s. I’m not TTC yet (doctor’s orders), but reflecting on how hectic things felt during my first pregnancy, I’d like to get my name lists sorted before that happens.


I don’t think it’d make a good name though.

Sometimes Sphnix are shown in pictures with wings.

Leo is deprived from lion. I think it would make a better middle than Sphnix or Manticore.

Thank you for your thoughts ikfly! :slight_smile:

The manticore has the head of a human; same with the Sphinx (I agree manticore would be a … poor choice of name!!)

What I’m after is a complete lion - lion head, lion body, with wings. The best I have found is ‘lion of [name_f]Venice[/name_f]’ or ‘lion of St [name_m]Mark[/name_m]’… but surely there is a word for this creature?

I’m not sure there is a name for it. I don’t think it’s really a mythological creature. The winged lion on the coat if arms of [name_f]Venice[/name_f] is the lion of [name_m]Saint[/name_m] [name_m]Mark[/name_m] the Evangelist, because he is the patron saint of [name_f]Venice[/name_f]. Maybe you could use the name [name_m]Mark[/name_m], or a variant of it?

Shedu - body of lion, head of a human and wings of an eagle. I think this is hard to pull off as a name though.

You could try to go for names that have a meaning associated with a lion and/or wings/birds/eagles.

Other names you could use are:
Aleron (means eagle)
Aileron (means little wing)
[name_u]Ari[/name_u]/[name_u]Arie[/name_u] (means both lion and eagle)
[name_m]Leo[/name_m]/[name_m]Leon[/name_m]/[name_m]Leonard[/name_m]/[name_u]Lionel[/name_u] (lion)
[name_f]Leona[/name_f]/[name_f]Leonie[/name_f]/Leonne (female variations all meaning lion)
[name_f]Arielle[/name_f]/[name_f]Ariella[/name_f] (also mean lion)

But yeah…I think the short answer to your question would have been Shedu.

[name_f]Hope[/name_f] that helped, good luck!

This. I don’t think there’s a proper mythological creature that’s just a lion with wings without any other animal parts mixed in there - it’s [name_m]Saint[/name_m] [name_m]Mark[/name_m]'s symbol. [name_m]Mark[/name_m], [name_m]Marcus[/name_m], and [name_m]Marco[/name_m] are all nice options :slight_smile:

I’m afraid you may be right, I’ve spent a while searching. But if it isn’t a mythological creature, what could it be? A heraldic beast? It would be so nice if there was a name for it!

Thanks for your thoughts - the shedu, as you say, has the head of a human, so isn’t quite what I’m after. I was interested to see [name_u]Ari[/name_u] on your list; while I knew it meant ‘lion of god’ I didn’t realise it means eagle in [name_m]German[/name_m]. That’s nice to know, as my son’s name is [name_m]Archer[/name_m], and though I call him [name_m]Arch[/name_m], perhaps [name_u]Ari[/name_u] could be another nickname… I’ll have a think about that. I do love [name_m]Leo[/name_m]; [name_m]Leonardo[/name_m] is on my list for possible middle names, combining my mother’s Italian heritage with my paternal coat of arms (lion).

This. I check a couple bestiary sites and looked for lions with wings. Nothing comes up.

Some Leo names: Leobwin, Leocadio, Leocadius, Leofric, Leofwine, Leon, Leonard, Leonidas, Leopold…
Some Mark names: Marcus, Marcel, Marcellus, Marcela, Marceline, Marketa, Marko, Markus…

@labelo & @ikfly
Thanks for your help. I guess I’m barking up the wrong tree. I wish I liked [name_m]Mark[/name_m] and its variants, but they do nothing for me. Maybe I just need to win a million dollars and buy a lion-with-wings statue; I’ll put that on my things-to-buy-when-I’m-a-millionaire / things-to-keep-an-eye-out-for-in-op-shops list : )