Name Family Drama

It just doesn’t seem like an issue worthy of such a battle. Maybe you should consider refocusing your energy into something more positive…your pregnancy won’t last forever and you should be enjoying every minute, not stirring up unnecessary negativity and drama. To say it bluntly, [name]Hannah[/name] is a super generic name anyway…there has been at least 1 or 2 Hannahs in every class at my school for as long as I’ve worked there. It is totally played out and mainstream. [name]Just[/name] my final thoughts:)


[name]Hailey[/name] and


Haves you considered [name]Henna[/name]? It sounds a lot pike [name]Hannah[/name], so it would probably fit all of your criteria, but you wouldn’t have to ‘steal’ [name]Hannah[/name].

The poster wants to use a name she has long loved, so how is that stirring up drama and name stealing? I’m surprised that so many are siding with the sil, I can see both sides to this. And they both have handled this wrong. [name]Sil[/name] shouldn’t have tried to claim the name. And the poster should have addressed the issue at the time or shortly thereafter.

This poster did NOT agree that sil would get [name]Hannah[/name], rather she wasn’t on her toes and ready to have that debate at the time her sil claimed the name. Is silence admission? No. But she REALLY should have brought it up at a later time when she was mentally ready for that conversation and that would be my question to the poster, why didnt you address the issue with your sil? And to the posters who say its name stealing, it’s really not. No one owns a name. To assume that just because you claim a name and dictate that others are to abide by that is narcissistic, childish, controlling.

I completely disagree with the poster who said “it would be totally weird for your [name]MIL[/name] to have two granddaughters with the same name”. My grandmother had 2 Josephs, 2 Anthonys, & 2 Michaels, I can promise you it was never “weird”.

The poster wants to use a name she has long loved, so how is that stirring up drama and name stealing? I’m surprised that so many are siding with the sil, I can see both sides to this. And they both have handled this wrong. [name]Sil[/name] shouldn’t have tried to claim the name. And the poster should have addressed the issue at the time or shortly thereafter. And to the posters who say its name stealing, it’s really not. No one owns a name. People who “try” to claim names are narcissistic, childish, controlling. They want to try and dictate what others are allowed to do. Really, listen to yourselves, your telling her she is stealing [name]Hannah[/name]…[name]Hannah[/name] is very common, she didn’t hear about [name]Hannah[/name] from the sil!

The poster wants to use a name she has long loved, so how is that stirring up drama and name stealing? I’m surprised that so many are siding with the sil, I can see both sides to this. And they both have handled this wrong. [name]Sil[/name] shouldn’t have tried to claim the name. And the poster should have addressed the issue at the time or shortly thereafter. And to the posters who say its name stealing, it’s really not. No one owns a name. People who “try” to claim names are narcissistic, childish, controlling. They want to try and dictate what others are and aren’t allowed to do. Really, listen to yourselves, your telling her she is stealing [name]Hannah[/name]…[name]Hannah[/name] is very common, she didn’t hear about [name]Hannah[/name] from the sil!

Well all is good I talked to my [name]SIL[/name] today and she is happy to let me use the name. She said she has other names she likes and she may never have kids. I think this may have been more of my mother in law not wanting me to use the name because they said they liked it one time. Thanks again for all the advice. We will be naming our baby girl [name]Hannah[/name].

Sorry IC22033…I do think it is totally weird. To each his own.

@op I’m glad that your [name]SIL[/name] has been reasonable. I meant to comment the other day to say I thought that you should use it if you love it.
I strongly believe you can’t have dibs on names when you’re not actually pregnant.
[name]Hailey[/name] and [name]Hannah[/name] sounds great :slight_smile:

No one can claim a name. If I were you, I would pick a different name.

I’m glad that worked out well. :slight_smile: