I don’t think anyone’s posted this yet? It’s from the Reddit namenerds forum u/mobile_nomad and it’s so fun.
I asked it for feminine, elegant baby names that were Grecian inspired and had nickname options…
I don’t think anyone’s posted this yet? It’s from the Reddit namenerds forum u/mobile_nomad and it’s so fun.
I asked it for feminine, elegant baby names that were Grecian inspired and had nickname options…
It’s fun! These were my prompts as well as the answers it gave me. I like that this one has a larger database.
Not too bad!
Could be better, but did pretty good for an AI
I did a similar thread but using chat gpt these are so fun to use not seen this one yet it was so fun to try out! It didn’t match my prompt though because I asked for it to not end in a vowel and it gave me names ending in ‘e’ and ‘a’
I also had issues when I asked for “not too 200” and it slyly have me “Noah”.
The creator has asked for suggested improvements! Reddit - Dive into anything
part one - my list
i tried it against my usual style, and asked “give me some very rare girls names from greek mythology”. i know a lot of these, so i figured i could be a pretty good judge of quality. when it asked for specification, i said “i’d like them to be at least three syllables, not end in the letter a, and not have ever been in the top 1000 most popular names”. i get the sense the ai isn’t good with “not”.
chapter one: it’s not great
this was the first list i got:
so out of my original ten, only one name follows all three specifications (eurydice), four followed two of them (calliope, persephone, penelope, ariadne), four followed one of them (xanthe, thalia, phaedra, daphne), and one followed none (theia).
if i only consider the us charts for popularity, then while only one name still follows all three (eurydice), five now follow two (calliope, persephone, xanthe, penelope, ariadne), and four follow one (theia, thalia, phaedra, daphne).
which isn’t a great record.
chapter two: it gets better… mostly
the ai then asked “would you like more options, or do you have any other preferences or changes you would like to make?”, so i said “make them rarer”.
this was my new list of ten:
of these, four follow all three original stipulations (ianthe, calypso, cybele, antigone), and four follow two (melaina, electra, arethusa, and hestia). two follow only one stipulation (eudora and althea), though both are a lot closer than in the previous list. however, they all follow the request “make them rarer”.
chapter three: enter the silly zone
lastly, i said “now make the names all at least four syllables”. this one was… clearly a bit too much for the ai to bear. i’m going to leave its list to you all to judge
is it bad that i’m kind of into some of them?
part two - it’s me time
next, i asked the ai to “give me some baby names to be a sibling to a girl called pippa [my middle names]”, and when asked for clarification, said “i’d like them to be combinations with two middle names, and to be stylistically similar to pippa. the first names should be two syllables and at least one middle name should be very rare”.
my list was:
overall, i’d consider this a great success !! only one failed at giving a two syllable name (finn), and only two don’t have at least one middle name outside of the us top 1000 (clementine blair and genevieve maeve). i’d say that all of their suggestions would work pretty well as stylistic matches for my name - my top choice is probably gorgeous nora isabeau lux !! isabeau lux is a much cooler set than my actual middles…
which is your favourite?
[name_u]Milo[/name_u] Perpshone [name_u]Wren[/name_u] is incredible (she’s that cool girl who’s new to town ), as is [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] [name_u]Blair[/name_u] (she’s definitely the main character in a high school novel set in a haunted school!)
[name_m]Milo[/name_m] Perpshone [name_f]Wren[/name_f] sounds fascinating! The cool new girl trope always brings an interesting dynamic to any story. And [name_f]Lucy[/name_f] [name_f]Clementine[/name_f] [name_f]Blair[/name_f] being the main character in a high school novel set in a haunted school? That’s definitely intriguing.
I asked for “whimsical names”, and when prompted, I further specified “from nature or mythology”. These are the results! I find them all to be very fascinating!! Thank you for introducing us to this wonderful tool!!