Name Sightings (From Travels)

From my travels to [name_f]Florence[/name_f] and [name_f]Paris[/name_f] :))

Nicoleta (this spelling)


What do you think of these names?


love Marie-Lou! reminds me of [name_f]Enid[/name_f] Blyton’s Mary-Lou.

[name_m]Eloi[/name_m] is such an interesting name! how is it pronounced? I assumed ell-oi but i’m not sure.

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What a great set!

[name_f]Sibilla[/name_f] → I like this a lot - it’s bubbly and bright but elegant and grand too. [name_f]Sibby[/name_f] and [name_f]Billie[/name_f] are such cute nicknames

Marie-Lou → is this more like mah-ree-loo (kind of like marry-loo) or Muh-Ree-Loo? I like the first one, but Marie-Lou doesn’t quite flow to me

[name_f]Clara[/name_f] → bright, clear and vintage - I like it

Nicoleta → on one hand, it reminds me of nicorette/nicotine, but Nicoleta has grown on me - it’s got a bit of spark and sass

[name_f]Manon[/name_f] → distinctively [name_m]French[/name_m] and interesting.

[name_m]Amadou[/name_m] → cool and charming with an appealing rhythm. I know someone with a similar surname and have always liked the sound.

[name_m]Stanislas[/name_m] → distinctive with a hint of power to it. I like it

[name_m]Eloi[/name_m] ->I like how this looks and it has a gentle but intriguing feel; it does remind me of The Time [name_m]Traveller[/name_m] by H.G [name_m]Wells[/name_m] though