There are 99 students in the class of 2025! Name them according to the rules. The names are a first, middle, and last name. Genders are up to you, though some of the rules may lean heavily towards one gender.
- an eastern European name / an invented name / starts with A
- a Japanese name / a name with three syllables / starts with B
- a name ending in -s / a name with three letters or less / starts with B
- a name relating to music / a Spanish name / starts with B
- a name that can also be a verb / contains a double letter / starts with B
- a one-syllable name / a name you don’t think will ever be popular again / starts with B
- a multicultural name / six letters / starts with B
- a name you’ve seen on more pets than people / a name from a famous book / starts with C
- a surname name / a name with Greek origins / starts with C
- contains a silent letter / has a meaning you love / starts with C
- K spelling of a C name / four letters / starts with C
- an Italian name / variation of a name in the current top 10 / starts with C
- a word name / a color / starts with C
- starts with “De” / much more common for the opposite gender / starts with C
- main character of a famous book / a “mom” or “dad” name / starts with C
- has three of the same letter in it / a virtue name / starts with D
- name from a show you liked as a kid / old name you don’t think will come back / starts with D
- a clunky name / four syllables / starts with D
- a name relating to the ocean / a Scandinavian name / starts with D
- a nickname name / a feminine-looking spelling of a usually masculine name / starts with D
- contains a double letter / a biblical name / starts with D
- a city name / a classic name / starts with D
- a name that is in Pride and Prejudice / ends with “ana” / starts with E
- an Arabic name / a “smoosh” name / starts with E
- a name with five letters / a saint’s name / starts with F
- a name starting with an unusual letter (Q, U, V, X, Y, or Z) / one syllable / starts with F
- a gender-neutral name you like better on girls / a goth name / starts with F
- a Spanish name / an uncommon [name_f]English[/name_f] word name / starts with G
- a creatively spelled name / a name with multiple different origins / starts with G
- six letters / a nickname name / starts with G
- a surname name / an international name / starts with G
- an Italian name / a trendy name / starts with G
- a classic Spanish name / ends with a consonant / starts with G
- a gender-neutral name / ends with “lee” / starts with G
- ends with “an” / a palindrome name / starts with H
- a name that sounds made up, but isn’t / a clunky biblical name / starts with H
- starts and ends with the same letter / a nature name / starts with H
- a name with an obvious nickname / a vintage name that still feels kind of old / starts with H
- a place name / a name that works in multiple languages / starts with H
- a name that was popular in the 1980s / rhymes with [name_m]Aidan[/name_m] / starts with H
- a number-related name / a name ending in “son” / starts with H
- ends with “o” / uncommon Spanish name / starts with H
- a long and frilly-sounding name / Spanish or Italian form of a classic / starts with J
- ends in a double letter / name most popular in the 90s / starts with J
- name from a [name_f]Christmas[/name_f] movie / a gender neutral name you like better on a boy / starts with L
- FN and MN are the names of two siblings you know / starts with L
- three syllables / contains “and” / starts with L
- a misspelled floral name / same initial as the first name / starts with L
- ends with “in” / classic Spanish name / starts with L
- a royal title / rhymes with “Maylin” / starts with M
- an Arabic name / an ancient [name_m]Roman[/name_m] name / starts with M
- a very dated name / a Spanish name / starts with M
- a name that isn’t a word, but has a word in it / contains a Q / starts with M
- two syllables, ends in “n” / first name of a musician / starts with M
- name with a lot of different spellings / a biblical name / starts with M
- a brand name / a place name / starts with M
- name of your friend’s parent / a religious word name / starts with M
- a creatively spelled name / a name that’s hard to picture on a child / starts with M
- a name with two sets of double letters / a name from a Pixar movie / starts with M
- less common spelling of a popular name / name of a singer / starts with M
- a brand name / a biblical name / starts with M
- FN and MN start with the same letter / starts with M
- a month or season name / three syllables / starts with M
- name that works in several languages / name that was most popular in the 90s / starts with P
- an invented name / a name containing “lyn” / starts with P
- an [name_f]Indian[/name_f] name / three syllables / starts with P
- FN and MN end with the same silent letter / starts with P
- name from a movie you loved as a kid / an [name_m]Irish[/name_m] name / starts with P
- a Hebrew name / an Eastern European name / starts with P
- name of a band or musical artist / animal name / starts with R
- a classic name / a gemstone / starts with R
- a famous athlete’s last name / a city name / starts with S
- a name with four letters / a Spanish word name / starts with S
- a name with two Y’s in it / five letters / starts with S
- a name that has a lot of different spellings / a surname name / starts with S
- first name of a celebrity / three syllables / starts with S
- FN and MN are two names from the same famous book / starts with S
- an angel-related name / a classic name / starts with S
- a mythological name / contains a Z / starts with S
- three letters / contains “Mc” / starts with S
- contains a V / a biblical name / starts with S
- a nice-sounding name with a bad meaning / a biblical place name / starts with S
- name from the last show you watched / five letters / starts with S
- a name that ends in “a” / an Arabic name / starts with T
- a creative spelling of a 90s name / a gender-neutral word name / starts with T
- a name with a lot of different spellings / a nickname name / starts with T
- a variant of a classic name / an invented name / starts with V
- a mythological name / alternate form of a classic name / starts with W
- a misspelled word name / a gender neutral name / starts with W
- a name that is more common as a middle name / contains a Z / starts with W
- a Scandinavian name / a surname name / starts with W
- a name from SpongeBob / a very long name / starts with W
- a [name_m]French[/name_m] name / name that has a nature meaning, but is not an [name_f]English[/name_f] word / starts with W
- ends in “ton” / a biblical name / starts with W
- a name that was popular in the 40s / contains “ai” / starts with W
- a Greek name / a surname name / starts with W
- a name ending in “en” / a [name_m]French[/name_m] name / starts with W
- a Hebrew name / a name you like but could never use / starts with W
- last name of one of your teachers / has a V in it / starts with Z