Year 5 Class 2
Teacher: Samantha Summerfield (@SuzieKim)
Teaching Assistant: Franklin Giles (@VEL)
- Imogen Plant (SuzieKim)
- Habib Ghasemi (@kidpix21)
- Leia McIntyre (@MissMorland)
- Wilder Warren (@BeccaRhubarb)
- Jasmijn Campbell (VEL)
- Celestyna Brzezinska (@EdgeOfTheMeadow)
- Ilyas Shukri (BeccaRhubarb)
- Freya Howsam-Haynes (EdgeOfTheMeadow)
- Mila Reichenbach (EdgeOfTheMeadow)
- Kiri Hardy (@EagleEyes)
- Ahmet Demirci (@daisydarcy)
- Rowan Elbaz (EdgeOfTheMeadow & kidpix21)
- Clarissa North (SuzieKim)
- Charlie Mersinaj (SuzieKim)
- Asa Stewart (@olivelovesnames)
- a girl’s name from Greek mythology / a misspelled word
- contains 3 of the same letter / Barker-Howell (sister Persephone)
- a modern boy’s name / Dalton (sister Brooklyn)
- ends in -veer / Dhaliwal (brother Inderjit)
- 4 letter boy’s name / Saeed (sisters Iman & Zainab)
- a 2000s boy’s name / Ainsworth (brother Oliver)
- a name you’d consider for a daughter / begins with an uncommon letter
- a Peaky Blinders character / Sokolsky (sister Lily)
- a 5th century saint / Meltham (sister Chiara)
- a hyphenated boy’s name that can be shortened to “AJ” / begins with O
- popular boy’s name in Scotland / a road you have lived on (twin)
- begins with same letter as twin brother / same as above (twin)
- an alternative spelling you dislike / ends with -f
- unisex name more common for girls / contains at least 1 silent letter
- a name ending in “ie” that usually ends in “y” / ends in -der