Name Themes.

[name]Hi[/name] Berries!

I was reading around nameberry when I started thinking about one of my favorite movies, “[name]Seven[/name] Brides for [name]Seven[/name] Brothers (1954)”

[name]One[/name] of my favorite memories about the brothers are their biblical themed names. So I started wondering, if their parents were able to finish their theme-set, what would they be…so just for fun, I will take a try at it. If you were to have your own name theme, what would it be? If you could decide, would you go for all girls, all boys, or a mixture? Or a different theme for each gender?

This theme-set was a bit tricky. The parents theme was alphabetical and biblical. Since [name]Frank[/name] name is nature related, I took it from there to name the other brothers who did not have a name in the bible for there name. Here it goes:

Original [name]Seven[/name] Brothers:
[name]Frank/name : “…because he smelled so sweet.” :slight_smile:

My continuance of the theme:

*Nature related or the meaning fits in with the biblical theme.