[name]Audrey[/name] was ruined for me when I learned the usual pronunciation was with a long E at the end instead of the long A I say. And why is [name]Leigh[/name] pronounced lee instead of lay? That doesn’t fit English pronunciation rules (think “sleigh”). At least I can still manage to like [name]Esme[/name], and other French names ending in that sound.
Can you help me make a list of girls’ names ending in long A? I can’t use the site search, as it can do spelling but not pronunciation. I’m particularly looking for non-French names.
Are the ones I could find for now…
I’m slightly embarrassed to say I’m charmed to pieces by [name]Mayday[/name], even though I would NEVER use it…
[name]Ismay[/name] and [name]Millay[/name] are my favourites, along with Fairamay and Loveday in the middle ^^