I’ve decided to start working on a new story and the plot isn’t completely set in stone, but I have most of the characters. My only thing is I don’t have names for the two mains. The plot of the story is based off of two girls who used to be best friends. They had a falling out and haven’t spoken in years, however nobody knows exactly what happened between the girls. Four years after their fight, Girl 1 runs away. Before she does, she leaves a box of journals at Girl 2’s doorstep. The whole city believes that Girl 1 has been kidnapped and a national amber alert has been put out. No one believes Girl 2 that Girl 1 is missing voluntarily as everyone knows they haven’t spoken in years. At first Girl 2 has no idea what she’s supposed to do with them , but with the help of her boyfriend [name_u]Alex[/name_u] and best friend [name_u]Hadley[/name_u], she figures out that she’s supposed to find her. At first she doesn’t want to, after all they haven’t talked in years, but she realizes that she’s the only one who can bring her home.
I don’t want super common names, but not names you never heard of either. Not common, but familiar. I want Girl 1’s to have a more modern feel to it while Girl 2’s should be more vintage.
Girl 1- She is a very happy and bubbly girl who does extremely well in school. She was always a mysterious soul and she often spoke and wrote in a kind of poetic code. She has dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. Surname is [name_m]Kerrigan[/name_m].
Girl 2- She has always been a slightly blunt character. She often rubs people the wrong way, but once you get to know her you realize that she is actually a very caring and kind person. Basically she’s a little rough around the edges, but once you crack her shell, she’ll walk to the ends of the earth for you. She has very dark and slightly curly hair and green eyes. Surname is [name_u]Hollis[/name_u].
Other Characters
[name_m]Alexander[/name_m] “[name_u]Alex[/name_u]” Haston- Girl 2’s longtime boyfriend
[name_u]Hadley[/name_u] [name_u]Brennan[/name_u]- Girl 2’s new best friend
[name_f]Ingrid[/name_f] [name_m]Archer[/name_m]- Girl 1’s new best friend, slightly angry that the box of journals was given to Girl 1 and not her.